Advertorials and sponsored content The New(s) Deception Advertorials and sponsored content
WHAT IS AN ADVERTORIAL? An advertisement posing as news or objective content.
WHAT IS SPONSORED CONTENT? Content that offers information that may not necessarily be brand-biased BUT is designed to persuade the consumer that the entity paying for the content is an expert in the field and is trustworthy. Example: Make-up tutorials sponsored by Cover Girl
NATIVE CONTENT: Anything that is intended to INFLUENCE instead of inform - i.e. a blog that tries to convince you that one video game system is better than another; a link to an advertiser’s website on a “news” site.
SO HOW DO YOU KNOW? Look for attribution: Who said it? In what context was it said?
SO HOW DO YOU KNOW? Is the source an expert?
SO HOW DO YOU KNOW? How close is the writer to factual information as opposed to opinion?
SO HOW DO YOU KNOW? Does the person have direct knowledge of the situation or the scientific research? PROVE IT.
SO HOW DO YOU KNOW? Look for attribution: Who said it? In what context was it said? Is the source an expert? How close is the writer to factual information as opposed to opinion? Does the person have direct knowledge of the situation or the scientific research? PROVE IT
Advertorials and sponsored content The New(s) Deception Advertorials and sponsored content