Free Enterprise
What is Free Enterprise? Encouraging private ownership and individual initiative (independently outside of influence or control)
Tradition of Free Enterprise America is considered the “land of opportunity” History of social and political commitment to entrepreneurship and competition in the marketplace. Examples: Rockefeller, Carnegie, Henry Ford
Basic Principles of Free Enterprise 1. Profit Motive Encourages Individuals to take the risk of investing in business Individuals make decisions that will maximize profits Requires financial discipline = individuals are responsible for success or failure Rewards innovation Allows creative companies to grow Improves productivity = higher profits to more efficient company
Basic Principles of Free Enterprise 2. Open Opportunity EVERYONE can compete in the marketplace
Basic Principles of Free Enterprise 3. Economic Rights - Legal equality = everyone has the same legal rights - Private property rights = you control your possessions as you wish. - Free contract - Voluntary exchange = you decide what and when to buy and sell
Role of Government 4. Copyrights – Grants an author exclusive rights to publish and sell their work. Piracy: Downloading of music, burning CD’s (Examples: Napster, Limewire etc.) 5. Patent – Gives inventor exclusive right to produce and sell a product for 20 years.
What Economic Philosopher would agree with the free enterprise system What Economic Philosopher would agree with the free enterprise system? Why? How is a patent different than a copyright? What is the Number 1 motive people have to enter into the free market system? What risk do Entrepreneurs take to enter the free market?