National Consultation on Swedish Work on the Prevention of Violence against children 10 May, 2017 Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Agenda The legal ban of corporal punishment in Sweden (Henrik Ingrids) (13.00 – 13.30) Strategic work with parental support (Jenny Munkelt) (13.30 – 14.00) The Swedish child protection system and the social services (Karin Blomgren) (14.00 – 14.30) BREAK National strategy for preventing and combating men’s violence against women (Ola Florin) (14.50 – 15.20) Violence against children with disabilities (Christina Velander) (15.20 – 15.30) The political commitment to protect children from violence (Pernilla Baralt, state secretary) (15.30 – 16.00) Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
The legal ban of corporal punishment Explanations, for instance: A growing recognition of the child as a rights holder Increased knowledge about the harmful effects of violence Research as an authority in child rearing The establishment of a welfare state IMplem Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
The legal ban of corporal punishment in the parental code “Children are entitled to care, security and a good upbringing. Children are to be treated with respect for their person and individuality and may not be subjected to physical punishment or other injurious or humiliating treatment.” (Parental code, Chapter 6, Section 1) Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
The implementation of the ban Awareness-raising campaigns Spokespersons Civil-society The Ombudsman of children IMplem Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Evaluation of the ban Surveys of the public attitudes towards corporal punishment Estimates of assaults against children Early identification Measures taken by the Social authorities Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Examples of international collaboration High-level conferences in Stockholm, Vienna and Malta Support of special representative Martha Santos de Pais The Global Partnership to eliminate violence against children Ministry of Health and Social Affairs