Complex colour 2011 Certificate III in Hair WRHCL304A
Prepare clients for salon services Complex colour 2011 Pre requisites Prepare clients for salon services Co requisites Colour workshop A Colour Workshop B Colour Workshop C Colour Workshop D Bleaching Workshop E Prepare clients for salon services The law of colour Foil colour 7 stages of lightening Fashion colouring
What is a complex colour client?? Your client may look like this… Blonde highlights Regrowth with white hair Dark low lights Faded out semi Today we want… To be a level 6 all over
What is a complex colour client?? Your client may look like this… Level 9 on mid-lengths to ends Regrowth 5 at the roots Today we want… To be a level 6 all over
What is a complex colour client?? Your client may look like this… Level 4 all over Caramel foils level 7 Today we want… Level 9 blonde cool
Complex colour 2011 Lighten Filler White hair Target Shade The 4 rules of Complex Colour Plan your colour service… Lighten any dark areas to desired level Filler on areas that are required to go darker Re-growth for white hair coverage where required Apply overall Target Shade Lighten Filler White hair Target Shade
Tones What you need to know Levels Peroxide strengths What we already know… Tones Peroxide strengths 7 Stages of Lightening Grey hair % Treatments/Homecare
How do you successfully lighten? Lightening dark hairs: Powder lightener Bleach baths Specialist colour removal products Think about when you lighten the hair? 7 stages of lightening At what stage do you need to lift to?
How do you successfully fill? Fillers: Back to back semi applications Add warmth to your mix Use a filler then apply your target shade Warmth needs to be put back into the hair Choice in filler technique? Which filler colour should I use?
Covering white hairs 25% white hair 50% white hair 75% white hair 100 % white hair
Visualize It! Looking at those 4 points Complex colour Lighten Filler Grey hair % Target colour Looking at those 4 points Why Lighten first?? Why Filler second? Why Grey hair third? Why Target colour fourth? Why does it have to be in that order?
Complex colour 2011
Filling Levels 1 2 3 Levels 4 5 6 Levels 7 8 9
Complex colour 2010 If your filling and colouring in the one application (foil work) Selection, application, timing & removal to manufactures instructions Back to back filling techniques
Porosity Elasticity Density Texture Analysis Porosity Elasticity Density Texture
Complex colour 2011