Chuck Peters, Head of Music Cataloging IU Music Dissertations: Providing Access to the Latin American Music Center and Beyond Abstract: Theses and doctoral projects produced by students in the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music are contributed to the institutional repository called IUScholarWorks and are freely available. Many of these materials, both books and scores, are directly related to Latin American music. These are the steps taken to make the discovery of these titles easier for those engaging in research in Latin American music. INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music: Degrees Doctoral degrees in Music include:
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music: Degrees D.M. (Performance; Composition; Conducting) Doctoral degrees in Music include: The D.M., which is in Performance, Composition and Conducting.
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music: Degrees D.M. (Performance; Composition; Conducting) Ph. D. (Musicology; Music Theory; Music Education) Doctoral degrees in Music include: The D.M., which is in Performance, Composition and Conducting. The Ph.D. is for Musicology, Music Theory and Music Education.
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music: Degrees D.M. (Performance; Composition; Conducting) Ph. D. (Musicology; Music Theory; Music Education) D.M.E (Music Education) Doctoral degrees in Music include: The D.M., which is in Performance, Composition and Conducting. The Ph.D. is for Musicology, Music Theory and Music Education. The D.M.E. is in Music Education.
Theses and dissertations on Music Good source for: We’re interested in doctoral documents on music as they relate to Latin American Music because they’re a good place to locate
Theses and dissertations on Music Good source for: New ideas We’re interested in doctoral documents on music as they relate to Latin American Music because they’re a good place to locate New ideas.
Theses and dissertations on Music Good source for: New ideas New research We’re interested in doctoral documents on music as they relate to Latin American Music because they’re a good place to locate New ideas. New research.
Theses and dissertations on Music Good source for: New ideas New research New compositions We’re interested in doctoral documents on music as they relate to Latin American Music because they’re a good place to locate New ideas. New research. New compositions (they’re not all books; they can be musical compositions as well)
Music Document Sources (For both Books and Scores) Doctoral documents reach us from a few common sources:
Music Document Sources (For both Books and Scores) ProQuest Doctoral documents reach us from a few common sources: ProQuest sends the titles to the Graduate School, and the Music titles are forwarded to us. We create MARC records to contribute to OCLC and our local catalog – more on that later.
Music Document Sources (For both Books and Scores) ProQuest IUScholarWorks Doctoral documents reach us from a few common sources: ProQuest sends the titles to the Graduate School, and the Music titles are forwarded to us. We create MARC records to contribute to OCLC and our local catalog – more on that later. The next source is IUScholarWorks. This is our institutional repository, and since 2012 doctoral documents have been deposited there, except for the Ph.D. documents that go to ProQuest instead. Previously, we received and processed printed copies.
Music Document Sources (For both Books and Scores) ProQuest IUScholarWorks Print copies submitted Doctoral documents reach us from a few common sources: ProQuest sends the titles to the Graduate School, and the Music titles are forwarded to us. We create MARC records to contribute to OCLC and our local catalog – more on that later. The next source is IUScholarWorks. This is our institutional repository, and since 2012 doctoral documents have been deposited there, except for the Ph.D. documents that go to ProQuest instead. Previously, we received and processed printed copies. Occasionally we still get print copies, especially in the case where the document is embargoed by the author. In that case, access is only possible through the print copy in the library until the embargo is lifted. Most often, copies are embargoed when the author plans to publish commercially.
Music Document Sources (For both Books and Scores) ProQuest IUScholarWorks Print copies submitted Gift Collections Doctoral documents reach us from a few common sources: ProQuest sends the titles to the Graduate School, and the Music titles are forwarded to us. We create MARC records to contribute to OCLC and our local catalog – more on that later. The next source is IUScholarWorks. This is our institutional repository, and since 2012 doctoral documents have been deposited there, except for the Ph.D. documents that go to ProQuest instead. Previously, we received and processed printed copies. Occasionally we still get print copies, especially in the case where the document is embargoed by the author. In that case, access is only possible through the print copy in the library until the embargo is lifted. Most often, copies are embargoed when the author plans to publish commercially. We have received print copies of dissertations with gift donations. We have acquired the libraries of many retired or deceased School of Music professors, several of which included dissertations.
Click to add engaging text SECTION TITLE GOES HERE IF NECESSARY Click to add engaging text Make your concise point here. Slides with multiple paragraphs of text have shown to significantly decrease the attention of the audience. Let your slides breathe — it lets the audience listen to you. This is the home page of IUScholarWorks. The site can be searched by Author, Title, Subject or date. Documents are also grouped together by “communities”, ,meaning by IU campus. Beyond that, they’re grouped by schools (called “sub-communities) and departments.
SECTION TITLE GOES HERE IF NECESSARY This is the list of sub-communities on the IU Bloomington campus. There are 440 documents in the Jacobs School of Music category.
IUScholarworks document title page This is a title page from a School of Music document in IUScholarWorks. The cataloging workflow goes something like this:
IUScholarworks document title page Music document submitted to IUScholarworks This is a title page from a School of Music document in IUScholarWorks. The cataloging workflow goes something like this: A music document is submitted to IUScholarWorks. Catalogers receive an automated notification by email, that a new document was submitted.
IUScholarworks document title page Music document submitted to IUScholarworks MARC record(s) contributed to OCLC This is a title page from a School of Music document in IUScholarWorks. The cataloging workflow goes something like this: A music document is submitted to IUScholarWorks. Catalogers receive an automated notification by email, that a new document was submitted. Catalogers create a MARC record to contribute to OCLC, and contribute all necessary supporting authority records.
Click to add engaging text OCLC no. 962027507 Click to add engaging text Make your concise point here. Slides with multiple paragraphs of text have shown to significantly decrease the attention of the audience. Let your slides breathe — it lets the audience listen to you. Here’s an example of the record for that same IUScholarWorks document that we created in OCLC. I included the OCLC number at the top of the screen, if you would like to come back to the slide later and look it up.
Click to add engaging text OCLC no. 962027507 Click to add engaging text Make your concise point here. Slides with multiple paragraphs of text have shown to significantly decrease the attention of the audience. Let your slides breathe — it lets the audience listen to you. Continuation of the same OCLC record …
Click to add engaging text OCLC no. 962027507 Click to add engaging text Make your concise point here. Slides with multiple paragraphs of text have shown to significantly decrease the attention of the audience. Let your slides breathe — it lets the audience listen to you. The remainder of the same OCLC record.
IUScholarworks document title page Music document submitted to IUScholarworks MARC record(s) contributed to OCLC MARC record(s) exported into IUCAT This is a title page from a School of Music document in IUScholarWorks. The cataloging workflow goes something like this: A music document is submitted to IUScholarWorks. Catalogers receive an automated notification by email, that a new document was submitted. Catalogers create a MARC record to contribute to OCLC, and contribute all necessary supporting authority records. The new MARC records are exported into our local database.
Click to add engaging text SECTION TITLE GOES HERE IF NECESSARY Click to add engaging text Make your concise point here. Slides with multiple paragraphs of text have shown to significantly decrease the attention of the audience. Let your slides breathe — it lets the audience listen to you. This is the home page of IUCAT. This is the public interface; our library uses SirsiDynix, with a Blacklight discovery layer.
And this is the cataloged IUScholarWorks record in IUCAT. SECTION TITLE GOES HERE IF NECESSARY And this is the cataloged IUScholarWorks record in IUCAT.
IUScholarworks document title page Music document submitted to IUScholarworks MARC record(s) contributed to OCLC MARC record(s) exported into IUCAT IUScholarworks metadata is updated to match OCLC, if necessary This is a title page from a School of Music document in IUScholarWorks. The cataloging workflow goes something like this: A music document is submitted to IUScholarWorks. Catalogers receive an automated notification by email, that a new document was submitted. Catalogers create a MARC record to contribute to OCLC, and contribute all necessary supporting authority records. The new MARC records are exported into our local database. And finally, metadata in IUScholarWorks is updated, if necessary.
IUCAT: bibliographic records with subject heading: Latin American Music Collection Here are some brief statistics about the number of bibliographic records in IUCAT with the “Latin American music” subject heading: There are 10,764 records that include the subject heading “Latin American Music Collection.” Within that number,
IUCAT: bibliographic records with subject heading: Latin American Music Collection Latin American music AND IUScholarWorks 6 Here are some brief statistics about the number of bibliographic records in IUCAT with the “Latin American music” subject heading: There are 10,764 records that include the subject heading “Latin American Music Collection.” Within that number, There are 6 records that also include the term “IUScholarWorks.”
IUCAT: bibliographic records with subject heading: Latin American Music Collection Latin American music AND IUScholarWorks 6 Latin American music AND D. Mus. 20 Here are some brief statistics about the number of bibliographic records in IUCAT with the “Latin American music” subject heading: There are 10,764 records that include the subject heading “Latin American Music Collection.” Within that number, There are 6 records that also include the term “IUScholarWorks.” 20 records include the subject heading of “Latin American Music Collection” and the term “D. Mus.”
IUCAT: bibliographic records with subject heading: Latin American Music Collection Latin American music AND IUScholarWorks 6 Latin American music AND D. Mus. 20 Latin American music AND Ph.D. 56 Here are some brief statistics about the number of bibliographic records in IUCAT with the “Latin American music” subject heading: There are 10,764 records that include the subject heading “Latin American Music Collection.” Within that number, There are 6 records that also include the term “IUScholarWorks.” 20 records include the subject heading of “Latin American Music Collection” and the term “D. Mus.” 56 records contain “Latin American Music Collection” and “Ph.D.”
Other LAMC documents in IUScholarWorks 46 papers, abstracts, newsletters, etc. in IUScholarWorks now Now, in case that number seems low for Latin American Music Collection titles in IUScholarWorks, it is – remember that IUScholarWorks is relatively new, so we are more likely to have physical copies of the LAMC titles. But there are an additional 46 LAMC entries besides the doctoral documents that have been deposited into IUScholarWorks. Those include papers, abstracts, issues of newsletters and the like.
Other LAMC documents in IUScholarWorks 46 papers, abstracts, newsletters, etc. in IUScholarWorks now Titles previously submitted in print version will be added Now, in case that number seems low for Latin American Music Collection titles in IUScholarWorks, there are an additional 46 entries besides the doctoral documents. Those would include papers, abstracts, issues of newsletters and the like. We also have plans to have authors submit to IUScholarWorks, their work that was previously submitted to the library in print, so that the Latin American music titles will be available all together in IUScholarWorks. One example is the 2006 singular work on Ginastera, which was the doctoral thesis of award-winning former director of the LAMC, Erick Carballo. His work is available in the library or from ProQuest, but not IUScholarWorks.
Thank you! Thank you! Questions?