Cornell Notes Day 1
What are Cornell Notes Cornell Notes are way to organize your notes typically used in college. When you are given a lot of information quickly (a lecture) or you need to process a lot of information (reading a textbook) you need a way to organize your notes so that you understand them, and you can study them later.
CN or DJs? THEY BOTH HAVE LINES! The difference between Cornell Notes and Dialectical Journals is what you are doing with the informational. In a Dialectical Journal, you “dialoguing” with the text, or you are analyzing the text. In Cornell Notes, you are looking for information, or fact- finding.
To complete Cornell Notes Divide your paper into three sections
To complete Cornell Notes Write proper heading and title on the top line. The large box to the right is for writing notes. Skip a line between topics.
To complete Cornell Notes During a lecture don’t use complete sentences. Use abbreviations and short hand. If you are taking notes from a book, don’t copy full sentences, again use short hand and abbreviate, but also try to summarize and capture the main idea and put ideas into your own words as much as you can. For this assignment today, write in complete sentences, but still try to use your own words to capture what you are reading.
To complete Cornell Notes
Review the notes you took, as soon as possible. Pull out the main ideas, key points, dates, and people and put these on the left hand side. In the bottom section, summarize your notes.
Today 12/15/2014 The Assignment: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem. I can reference and research the Detroit Future city framework in order to integrate solutions for the problems I know exist in Detroit. The Assignment: In your groups, decide which 2 sections of the DFC pamphlet each group member is going to read. Then each group member is going to be responsible for 1 page of Cornell Notes for each section. Type up his/her Cornell Notes Share his/her Cornell Notes with the group so that every one will have all of the sections.
Typing Cornell Notes 12/19/2015 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.11-12.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem. I can reference and research the Detroit Future city framework in order to integrate solutions for the problems I know exist in Detroit. Lesson Steps: Heading on the left, and title in the center. Key points in bold Notes in regular text. Summary below 12 point default font. When you are ready to type your next page of Cornell Notes, scroll down to the next page in the document and type a new title. (You don’t have to type a new heading.) Then start your new Cornell Notes.