Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News February 6, 2017 A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to direct instruction at students’ reading levels. -In Math we are continuing with place value. Students will begin looking at 2-digit numbers as an addition sentence that combine 10’s and 1’s. We will also look at 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, and 1 less. Students will get to compare dimes and pennies to 10’s and 1’s. -Writing time this week will introduce Non-fiction writing. Students will be working in pairs to create a list of facts about our classroom and our school! -Our Core Knowledge time will continue with our introduction to Electricity. We will look at conductors and insulators and electric safety. On Thursday we will dive into our next Social Studies unit on Early Exploration and Settlement. Homework Ideas -Please take time to read with your child every night for 10-15 minutes. -Reading homework should be coming home daily! Looking Ahead -February 6th no school for students. -February 6th parent/teacher conferences 12-8pm -February 9th- parent/teacher conferences 4-8pm -February 14th- Valentine’s Day party (more info to come) -February 20th- No School/ Presidents Day Extra News -Our Valentine ’s Day party is right around the corner I will send out a sign-up genius for treats and such this week!! To go along with our party we would like each child to decorate their own bag or box to put their valentines in. Please enjoy this fun project together at home and send it in by Monday, February 13th Specials this Week Monday – No School for Students Tuesday- Art Wednesday- Music Thursday- P.E. Friday- Computers **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** Reminders -Parent Teacher Conferences are this week! I have enjoyed meeting with families so far and look forward to getting the chance to meet with everyone. Don’t forget to stop by the school book fair!