Welcome to Back to School Night 2016! Please e-mail me at the below address so I will have your email address! Jennifer_M_Ulrich@mcpsmd.org
William Tyler Page Elementary School Back To School Night 2017-2018 Jenny Ulrich Kindergarten
A Few Things About Myself I have taught kindergarten in Montgomery County for several years. I am from Harford County, Maryland. I enjoy singing, running, theater, and spending time with family and friends.
In tonight’s session, we will review and discuss: Curriculum 2.0 Grading and Reporting Class Schedules Including Specials Behavior Expectations and PBIS Communication Between Home and School Homework Field Trips Birthday Celebrations Ways to Help your Child Parent Volunteers
Instruction on the Measurement Topic Levels of Performance Instruction begins at the grade-level standard. How the student performs at the grade-level standard determines level of proficiency. Instruction on the Measurement Topic Meets the grade-level standard by demonstrating proficiency of the content or processes for the measurement topic. Proficient (P) How the student responds In progress (I) In progress toward meeting the grade-level standard. Because we now have a new standards-based curriculum, we need a new report card that clearly communicates student achievement to parents. How the student performs at the grade level expectations determines their level of proficiency. Because Curriculum 2.0 provides all students with a rigorous curriculum (For ex: the math is now composed of most of the 1st grade objectives), we want to see all students at “proficient” by the end of the year for each measurement topic. The goal is for all students to be proficient at the grade-level standard. A student who is “not yet or minimal” or “in progress” toward meeting the standard was instructed on the grade-level standard, however, their response to the standard has not yet reached proficiency. We will continue to work with them to help them reach proficiency. How the student performs at the grade level expectations determines their level of proficiency. Because Curriculum 2.0 provides all students with a rigorous curriculum (For ex: the math is now composed of most of the 3rd grade objectives), we want to see all students at “proficient” by the end of the year for each measurement topic. The goal is for all students to be proficient at the grade-level standard. A student who is “not yet or minimal” or “in progress” toward meeting the standard was instructed on the grade-level standard, however, their response to the standard has not yet reached proficiency . A student who is “Exceptional at the grade-level standard” is instructed on the grade-level standard, and their response is consistently at an exceptional level. This is that 1 or 2 students whose answers not only show a thorough understanding of the concept taught but also shows that he/she is thinking outside the box. Not yet or minimal (N) Not yet making progress or making minimal progress toward meeting the grade-level standard.
A Typical Day In Kindergarten 8:50 – 9:20 Arrival/Breakfast/Lunch Count/Attendance/ Warm Up: Literacy and Math Skills 9:25 – 11:25 Literacy Block (Language Arts and Writing) Writer’s Workshop Guided Reading Literacy Centers 11:30 – 12:40 Lunch/Recess 12:40 – 1:15 Specials (Music, P.E. Media Center, Art, Computer Lab) 1:20 – 2:30 Mathematics Whole and Small Group Instruction Math Workshop 2:30 – 3:05 Science/Social Studies 3:10-3:15 Stack and Pack 3:25 Dismissal
Specials Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Art with Ms. Hernandez Tuesday Music with Mr. Henderson Wednesday Media with Mrs. O’Connell Thursday Computer Lab Friday P.E. with Mrs. Potter
PBIS and Penguin Pride Classroom Behavior Expectations Follow Directions Be kind with your words and actions. Keep your hands, feet, objects to yourself, Respect school property and the property of others Use inside voices in the school and classroom. Be Safe PBIS and Penguin Pride Positive Behavior Intervention Support Partnership, Rigor, Integrity, Determination, Equity Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Ready Students can earn Penguin Points for following school and classroom rules. Students can use the Penguin Points to purchase items from the Penguin Store. Students attend monthly Town Hall Meetings to celebrate student, class, and grade level achievements. Other Incentives: Lunch Bunch with teachers and administrators Extra Recess Penguin Pride Breakfasts for students who consistently show Penguin Pride (1/ month) Table Points Marble Jar
School and Home Communication School and Home Communication Yellow Take Home Folders Yellow Take Home Folders are used to transport important county, school, and classroom notices home with your child. Please check the folder each time it is sent home. Be sure to remove notices daily. Complete notices that need to be filled out promptly and place them back in the folder. Your child is responsible for taking out the folder at arrival Weekly Updates The Kindergarten Team will be providing weekly updates via email to communicate instructional goals and classroom reminders for the week. Email Jennifer_M_Ulrich@mcpsmd.org Write A Note Send it in the Yellow Take Home Folder Call Me At School 301-989-5672
Homework in Kindergarten Reading and Math Homework will be sent home weekly. Math Homework Math Homework will be sent home beginning Monday, October 10, 2017. The math packet will be sent home in a colored folder labeled “Math Homework” and have your child’s name on it. There are 3 assignments for each day. One is a math assignment for all students to complete. The second assignment is an enrichment activity. The last assignment is to read with your child daily. The math packet is to be completed by Friday. The reading bag is to be returned every day. The folder and math packet are to be kept at home during the week. Please complete the enrichment activity only if your child is ready and able to complete the activity independently. Reading Homework After we have completed MCPS’ reading assessments and have started small reading group instruction, your child will be bringing home sight words to review and a guided reading book that they have received instruction on.
Field Trips We are in the process of looking into planning field trips that support Curriculum 2.0 for the 2017 – 2018 school year. After we have finalized the trips we will send home all the information in a timely manner.
Birthdays Page celebrates birthdays by providing non-food items. Birthdays will be announced over the intercom during morning announcements. Students will receive a birthday pencil and a sticker.
How you can help your child? Please check your child’s Yellow Take Home Folder on a regular basis. Please send in a note or call the school if your child is going to be absent or has been absent and if he or she will be leaving school early. If you are going to pick up your child, please send in a note or your child will have to go home the usual way (walk, bus, or car). Please remind your child to the ear their sneakers on Tuesday and bring back library books on Wednesday. Please send in a change of clothing for your child in a plastic gallon size baggie labeled with his/her name on it. The clothing items should include pants, skirts, undergarments and socks. Be sure to send in a new set of clothing each time the season changes.
We always need your help! Parent participation enhances our program. Fill out a parent volunteer form if you would like to be a parent volunteer. You must complete the county training on Child Abuse and Neglect reporting in order to volunteer or chaperone. Please call or email me if you are unable to volunteer on the day you have scheduled. Room parents will contact other parents about class activities (Fall Festival and Valentine’s Day Party). Thank you for your time.
I look forward to working with you and your child. Thank you for coming to Back To School Night I look forward to working with you and your child. Thank you, again!