Mrs. Triana Grade- 3, Room 104
8:05-8:15 Homeroom 8:15-9:00 Math 9:00-9:45 Special 9:45 –10:30 Science 10:30-11:20 Social Studies 11:20-12:15 Lunch 12:15-1:00 Reading 1:00-1:45 Writing 1:45-2:30 Word Study/Cal. Math 2:30-2:40 Pack up
Day 1- PE Day 2-PE Day 3- Music Day 4- Art Day 5- Spanish Day 6- Media
Report cards/Conferences Snack Birthdays Class Parties- Halloween, holiday, Valentine’s, and end of the year parties Report cards/Conferences Class Expectations Dismissal Student Planner Remind App/Communication
HOMEWORK Take Home Folders go home and back every night with office forms and homework Students will be graded with checks: - = Unsatisfactory: sloppy, careless / numerous incorrect answers = Satisfactory: some errors + = Very good : most answers are correct GRADES Before all unit tests, a study guide will be sent home All assessments will be given a fraction as a grade and will be sent home for a sign and return through their Weekly Friday Folder ABSENCES/MISSED ASSIGNMENTS All students are responsible for missed work within an appropriate amount of time. If forgotten: Students will take home a Missed Assignment Sheet which they will have to fill out and return to school WITH the missing assignment and your signature the NEXT school day. It is imperative to teach the children independence and responsibility. If absent: The number of days absent is the number of days children have to return their work. If you would like homework sent home with a friend or family member, please call the main office we will try our best to send it that day.
Our Units of study: Building a Reading Life Character Development Informational Reading Biography Research Based Reading Traditional Literature Book Clubs
Personal Narrative (small moments) Research Reports Essay/Opinion Poetry Persuasive Essay
Word Sorts: Whole class instruction Activities throughout the week Pre-test and words given on Monday Homework (Choice Board) Assessments on Fridays Grammar: Whole group instruction Focuses on one skill at a time
Number Sense (place value, value, Number forms) Addition and Subtraction (4 digit) Multiplication and Division Fractions and Decimals Geometry Measurement Data Analysis Calendar Math- year round - money, time, dates, patterns, review concepts -
Units of Study: Rocks and Minerals Weather Magnets Simple Machines Vertebrates/Ecosystems
Units of Study: Geography Native Americans Exploration Colonization Westward Expansion - pilgrims - Oregon Trail - Colonists Immigration