What Drives Firm-Level Stock Returns? TUOMO VUOLTEENAHO 120080367 한 성 호
ABSTRACT By definition, a firm‘s stock returns are driven by shocks to expected cash flow (cash- flow news) and/or shocks to discount rates (expected-return news). The VAR and Campbell‘s return-decomposition framework enable writer to decompose the firm-level stock return into cash-flow and expected-return news. The VAR yields three main results. Firm-level stock returns are mainly driven by cash-flow news. Shocks to expected returns and cash flows are positively correlated for a typical small stock. Expected-return-news series are highly correlated across firms, while cash-flow news can largely be diversified away in aggregate portfolios. Page 2
I. Decomposing the Stock Return An accounting-based present-value formula uses ROE instead of dividend growth as the basic cash-flow fundamental Three main assumptions (ROE-based version of the present-value model) Book equity (B), dividend (D), market equity (M) are strictly positive. The difference between log book equity (b) and log market equity (m) and the difference between log dividend (d) and log book equity are stationary. Earning (X), dividends, and book equity must satisfy the clean surplus identity - A model for the log book-to-market ratio (denoted by ) ROE ( ) = log(1+ / ) the excess log stock return ( ) = log(1+ + ) - Page 3
I. Decomposing the Stock Return An accounting-based present-value formula uses ROE instead of dividend growth as the basic cash-flow fundamental A reorganized model (the change in expectations from t-1 to t) The unexpected excess stock return can be high if either expected future returns decrease and/or expected future excess ROEs (ROE less interest rate) increase. The unexpected-return variance decomposition of a model The variance decomposition is used to assess the importance of expected-return and cash-flow news as drivers of stock returns. Page 4
II. Data The basic data come from the CRSP-COMPUSTAT intersection, 1954 to 1996. Basic Data Data Requirements Variable Definitions Transformations Descriptive Statistics Page 5
III. Results and Discussion A. Firm-level Variance Decomposition of Market-adjusted Returns A individual firm‘s state vector The VAR implies a return decomposition. ( define , ) : expected-return news : cash-flow news The variance decomposition of unexpected-return Page 6
III. Results and Discussion A. Firm-level Variance Decomposition of Market-adjusted Returns The expected future book-to-market ratio is mostly affected by the past book-to-market ratio. Page 7
III. Results and Discussion A. Firm-level Variance Decomposition of Market-adjusted Returns A cash-flow shock typically coincides with a temporary increase in risk, and hense in equilibrium expected returns. Page 8
III. Results and Discussion A. Firm-level Variance Decomposition of Market-adjusted Returns The firm-level returns are mainly driven by cash-flow news, but this does not necessarily imply that the expected-return variation is unimportant for firm-level stock prices. Page 9
III. Results and Discussion A. Firm-level Variance Decomposition of Market-adjusted Returns It is slightly more likely that a stock‘s atypical discount is extremely low than extremely high. While cash-flow news is more important than expected-return news, expected-return variation still has an economically significant impact on firm-level stock prices. Page 10
III. Results and Discussion B. Variance Decomposition of Market-adjusted Returns as a Function of Firm Size Almost all of the large-stock market-adjusted-return variance is due to cash-flow news. For small firms, the expected-return and cash-flow news are strongly correlated, while this correlation is approximately zero for large stocks. Since the covariance term is so large and positive, the estimated small-stock unexpected-return variance is, in fact, slightly lower than the estimated cash-flow-news variance. Page 11
III. Results and Discussion C. Return Response to Cash-flow News A behavioral-finance interpretation of this result is that the market underreacts to small-stock cash-flow news. When there is news about the cash flows of a small stock, the price does not move enough. Therefore, expected returns must increase. The market underreacts to cash-flow news if the two news series are positively correlated. Page 12 12
III. Results and Discussion D. Implied Variance Decomposition of the Equal-weight Index Portfolio Similar to the market-adjusted results, the firm-level cash-flow-news variance is larger than the firm-level expected-return-news variance and the news series are positively correlated. Page 13 13
III. Results and Discussion D. Implied Variance Decomposition of the Equal-weight Index Portfolio It appears that while cash-flow information is largely firm specific, expected return information is predominantly driven by systematic, macroeconomic components. Hence, my firm-level results are consistent with the earlier aggregate results. Page 14 14
IV. Conclusions While previous research investigates aggregate portfolois, this paper measures the importance of cash-flow and expected-return news for firm-level stock returns. Firm-level stock returns are predominantly driven by cash-flow news. Cash-flow news is positively correlated with shocks to expected- returns for a typical stock. This correlation appears to be larger for smaller stocks. Cash-flow news is more easily diversified away in portfolios than expected-return news. Page 15
Borja Larrain, Motohiro Yogo 120080367 한 성 호 Does firm value move too much to be justified by subsequent changes in cash flow? Borja Larrain, Motohiro Yogo 120080367 한 성 호 16
Introduction Movements in the value of corporate assets can be explained by changes in expected future cash flow. This paper examines the present-value relation between the asset value and cash flow of US corporations. The appropriate measure of cash flow for valuing corporate assets is net payout, which is the sum of dividends, interest and net repurchases of equity and debt. Variation in net payout yield, the ratio of net payout to asset value, is mostly driven by movements in expected cash flow growth, instead of movements in discount rates. Net payout yield is less persistent than dividend yield and implies much smaller variation in long-horizon discount rates. Page 17 17
Introduction Our focus on net payout is motivated by three considerations. A recent literature on corporate payout policy has broadened the scope of payout beyond ordinary dividends. Difference between the portfolio view and the macro view of investment. A recent literature that has shown the shortcomings of dividend yield in measuring the magnitude of variation in discount rates. Page 18 18
Empirical framework We use the firm‘s intertemporal budget constraint to study the present-value relation between net payout and asset value. The firm‘s intertemporal budget constraint Present-value relation between net payout and asset value Page 19 19
Empirical framework We model the joint dynamics of asset return, net payout growth, and net payout yield through a vertor autoregression (VAR). VAR estimation The VAR model is overidentified. We estimate the model by GMM. We test the overidentifying restrictions of the model through the J-test. Variance decompositions Variance of net payout yield Variance of unexpected asset returns Page 20 20
Data on payout, issuance, and asset value We therefore view the Flow of Funds as our main evidence and Compustat as supporting evidence Flow of funds data Compustat data Description of payout, issuance, and asset value Description of asset returns Page 21 21
Valuation of corporate assets Variance decomposition of net payout yield Net payout yield mostly predicts net payout growth instead of asset returns, especially over long horizons Page 22 22
Valuation of corporate assets Variance decomposition of net payout yield The wedge between the two time series represents long-horizon discount rates. Asset value moves in lockstep with expected future net payout because the variation in hong-horizon discount rates is relatively small Page 23 23
Valuation of corporate assets The role of debt payout We loosely refer to the net payout-equity payout ratio as debt payout because net payout minus equity payout is equal to debt payout in levels. The combination of high equity inssuance and high debt repurchase implies much smaller variation in expected returns than that implied by the equity payout-assets ratio alone. Page 24 24
Valuation of corporate assets Variance decomposition of asset returns Changes in expected cash flow growth are larger when debt payout is included. Because net payout includes cash flows to debt holders, changes in expected cash flow growth become a relatively important source of variation in asset retirns. Page 25 25
Valuation of market equity Description of equity payout yield Dividend yield is less volatile and more persistent than equity payout yield. Dividend yield is above equity payout yield for most of the sample period, indicating a net capital inflow to the market equity of US corporations. Page 26 26
Valuation of market equity Variance decomposition of dividend yield The variance decomposition shows that the transitory variation in discount rates is large relative to the transitory variation in expected dividend growth. Page 27 27
Valuation of market equity Variance decomposition of equity payout yield Variance decomposition shows that the transitory variation in discount rates is small relative to the transitory variation in expected equity payout growth. Page 28 28
Valuation of market equity Variance decomposition of equity payout yield The wedge between the two time series in Panel B is smaller than the wedge between the two time series in Panel A. Because equity payout yield is less persistent than dividend yield, it implies smaller variation in hong-horizon discount returns. Page 29 29
Valuation of market equity The role of equity repurchase and issuance Table 10 explicitly links the two models to clarify the role of equity payout in reducing the magnitude of variation in long-horizon discount rates. We loosely refer to log equity payout-dividend ratio as net equity repurchase because equity payout minus dividends is equal to net equity repurchase in levels. Page 30 30
Valuation of market equity Variance decomposition of equity returns In Panel A, holding constant discount rates, only 38% of the variation in equity returns is explained by changes in expected dividend growth. In Panel B, holding constant discount rates, at most 61% of the variation in equity returns can be explained by changes in expected equity payout growth. The rest must be explained by variation in discount rates, implying that equity returns cannot be explained entirely by movements in expected cash flow growth. Page 31 31
Conclusions In this paper, we focus on a different but related question of whether time-varing discount rates are important for the valuation of firms. Net payout yield, which incorporates net repurchases of both equity and debt, implies small variation in log- horizon discount rates. The value of corporate assets is mostly driven by changes in expected future cash flow, instead of changes in discount rates. Therefore, the constant discount rate present-value model is a useful approximation for the valuation of corporate assets. Page 32 32