The worry box
Contents: Worry Box Making a work doc All about me My emotional brain (Worry Box) Stress Spotting a trigger Getting support Being healthy Speaking out Think peaceful thoughts Relax Getting organised How did I do?
To help me… stay calmer, feel better, think more clearly,
Some people’s worry boxes shout louder than others…
All about me Mum worries about… … Dad worries about… ….. BROTHER/SISTER worries about … …. I worry about.. .
All about me: I worry about… If I am ..
Logical Brain AND emotional brain Remembering things Learning things And thinking things Good at feelings Worrying And telling our logical brain if things are safe or not
Worry box (Emotional Brain) Laid back - quiet Loud worry box- Logical brain can’t think Missing french I wont know the learning they have been teaching when I have been away
Train our WORRY boxes to be quieter stay calmer, feel better, think more clearly,
Happy but worry a lot Get angry sometimes … I NAME OF PERSON If I don’t …. … If … ….
How are things? What are you really pleased with at the moment? Why do you think Mine Craft is good for you? What is not going so well for you? Why do you think the work is boring? What do you think would help you?
If I WOKE UP TOMORROW AND ALL MY WORRIES WERE GONE When I wake up I notice that all my worries about school have gone. When I get to school I see I will have fun …… At break time I play with my friends in the playground and feel ….
Stress People calling me names Thinking I can’t do something When I have to stop playing _____ When its time for school _____ being annoying When things change
when Stress is useful Opening presents on birthday Learning to ride a horse Playing a game and trying my best Joining in a conversation Getting ready to go horse riding
What happens when I worry I worry about everything (always, often, sometimes, never) I cant concentrate It makes me feel sick It gives me a tummy ache I cant get to sleep at night I wake up really early I feel all jittery inside I get headaches I think I’m stupid and no good I cant relax and enjoy myself I want to hide it away It goes around and around in my head I eat too much I don’t feel hungry at all I blame myself for everything
Spotting a trigger – example, please edit Calling me names Effect Want to miss school Wrong choice Miss school or call name back Right choice Tell teacher Go find an adult and tell them
My stress – example , please edit to suit I do my best work around here Happy and busy fidget Very laid back Start to bite nail Pace about Bit bored Clench jaw Shouting I hit
People who help me Who They help me by….
Getting support When I feel anxious I need help to calm down by being in a quiet room and sitting quietly, trying to calm myself down by deep breathing , occupy myself with some thing like marble run or Sudoku until I’m calm enough to talk about it I can get it by asking for help or saying I really need the quiet room
Calming down sequence Sit down Quiet for 5 minutes – sand timer Calming activity (marble run. Sudoku) Time to talk about it Make a plan Make it better
Summer holidays: wonders and worries?
Being Healthy