Designing and Implementation Rubrics: Designing and Implementation
Why Create a Rubric They Help Clarify the Key Aspects! (McKeachie, W. J., Svinicki, M. D., & Hofer, B. K. ,2011; Selke, M. J. G.,2013) Rubrics Increase Grading Reliability! It Stress Learning over Grades! (Bain, K. ,2004) It Communicates Ideas (Bain, K. ,2004; Selke, M. J. G.,2013) It Provides Progress Reports
Kinds of Rubrics Performance / Process Product / Artifact Designed to assess a skill or set of skills Dance recital, Band Performance, etc… Does not produce a tangible product without the use of a camera Designed to assess a tangible product a Paper, a Piece of Art , Report, etc… The key elements/criteria must be identified
Categories of Rubrics Holistic Analytic Designed to asses more than one element/component per strand/criteria The key elements/criteria must be identified, but are then grouped together Designed to asses one and only one element/component per strand/criteria The key elements/criteria must be identified
This will be demined by several factors Designing Rubrics How Many Criteria Example This will be demined by several factors The type of Rubric (Holistic vs. Analytic) What type of feedback do you wish to provide Start with the Standards! (Christ, W. G.,1994) Criteria Eye Contact Vocal Projection Vocal Inflection Thesis Content Organization Language Sources Time
Designing Rubrics Start with the Standards! (Christ, W. G.,1994) TBR Evaluation of Speech Communication Outcomes Students are able to distill a primary purpose into a single, compelling statement. (Thesis) Students are able to order major points in a reasonable and convincing manner based on that purpose. (Organization) Students are able to develop their ideas using appropriate rhetorical patterns (e.g., narration, example, comparison/contrast, classification, cause/effect, definition). (Content) Students are able to employ correct diction, syntax, usage, grammar, and mechanics. (Language) Students are able to manage and coordinate basic information gathered from multiple sources. (Sources)
Designing Rubrics How Many Levels of Evaluation! It really is determined by Several factors The type of rubric (Holistic vs. Analytic) What type of feedback do you wish to provide? What do you intend to do with the rubric? Criteria Excellent Exceeds Meets Below Unsatisfactory Eye Contact Vocal Inflection Thesis Organization Language Sources
Defining the Levels Criteria Excellent Exceeds Meets Below Unsatisfactory Thesis 5/5 The thesis statement was interesting, well worded, and relevant to the entire speech. 4/5 The thesis statement was well worded and relevant to the entire speech. 3.5/5 The thesis distilled the purpose of the speech. 3/5 The thesis statement needs work on clarity or relevancy. 2.5/5 The thesis was not apparent or relevant to the speech. See the textbook for the definition and the purpose of the thesis statement. Content 5/5 All main and minor points were explained in depth and were relevant to the thesis. 4/5 All main points were clearly explained and were very relevant to the thesis. Minor points supported the main points well. 3.5/5 Main points were explained and relevant to the thesis. 3/5 Need to work on the development of your main points. 2.5/5 Major issues with the development of your main points. Sources 5/5 Excellent job. Cited more than the required sources. All sources were very relevant and very credible. 4/5 Good job! Cited the required number of sources. All sources were very relevant and credible. 3.5/5 Cited the required number of sources. All sources were relevant and credible. 3/5 Did not cite the required number of sources or there were issues with the sources' credibility/relevance to the speech. 2.5/5 Did not cite the required number of sources. Sources that were used had issues with credibility or were not relevant to the speech.
Tips and Tricks Plan Ahead Take it Easy Plan for Revision Decide Criteria and levels before creating the Rubric! Take it Easy Use a program that you are familiar with to create then incorporate into another system Plan for Revision This is a working document that you will perfect over time! Plan for Flexibility Student’s always find away!
Scott Christen ~ Thank you!!! Scott Christen ~