How Communities Use the Revenue They Generate Hilary Byland Michelle Koster
Rousay Egilsay & Wyre Development Trust Who are we? We are a three island group in the Orkney Islands; we have a population of approx 260, Rousay is the larger island with circa 220, Egilsay and Wyre have circa 20 each; We are linked by a ferry service, which the smaller islands have to book in advance for certain times Rousay has a shop, two pubs, a community school, a church centre, the doctor’s surgery; All 3 islands have played a significant part in the development of Orkney, and are rich with archaeology There is only a community centre (the old schools) on Egilsay and Wyre
Revenue Seed Corn Funding Fairer Scotland Fund HIE Funding Climate Challenge Fund – Powerdown Big Lottery Funding Revenue Generator Initially we had Seed corn funding to help get us started We had Fairer Scotland Funding to help with the core costs When the Community Development Worker project started we had HIE funding This allowed us to apply for Climate Challenge Funding for a Powerdown Officer We got further CCF funding for projects HIE funding for CDO and TDO posts which helped us gain BLF grant to become a Revenue Generator We have had a community owned wind turbine which should bring us £100K a year.
Challenges How to engage with the community For early projects, we had postal ballots, AGM/EGM, Open Days, included on Directors own preferences Only supported by 20% of population From this the Development Plan was generated in 2011 Not enough support, from a small community with expecting them to come to us After attending a Community Engagement Course – we had to get out and start door knocking For specific project in a specific area, the benefits were HUGE. Time was HUGE too.
Opportunities How we succeeded in Community engagement Buy-in from door to door was evident Utilised BLF Funding to contract a Researcher from our own community Prepared a Survey Questionnaire looking at all areas mentioned in the Development Plan PQASSO performance criteria – being able to use this guided us to best utilise our time and included questions to help with gathering our information The survey was aimed at ways to spend our revenue, and inform what projects we would take forward/what funders we would approach to benefit And develop the whole community
Outcomes Survey Report 77% of the whole community took part Awareness of the role of the Trust was enhanced, more members, engagement, feedback Views and opinions of the “many” were different to our previous understanding Priorities changed – Enhanced Home Care NOT a Care Home; Mobile Charity Shop; Artist in Residence Realisation of Direction, a clear vision of where we were going, activity, demonstration of taking forward, enabling ownership
Outputs and Benefits so far… Employment Bursary Programme Grants Procedure Identified Project Priorities Embedding PQASSO Employment – BUT No more than 30% of turbine income will be spent on internal Trust costs Training – offer to fund towards training for anyone for personal, development or vocational training Grants Procedure – shared information with other communities with turbine incomes (CPO) Removing the additional travel costs of living on islands to school children and extra curricular activities New school play park was underwritten by the Trust in terms of funding Guided by PQASSO performance criteria given us a real steer and direction
Next Steps Investigating top priorities: Water taxi Swimming Pool Enhanced Home Care Next Generation Access – fibre optic broadband Small Grants Fund Partnerships Sustainability Top priorities were water taxi, swimming pool, enhanced home care, Next Generation Access, small grants fund We will still pursue grant funding, we have a reputation of being able to deliver big projects Security of being able to match fund However, it is a finite resource for 19 more years – what happens next. Progression planning….
Over to you… In groups in the next 20 minutes, discuss/share your experiences in relation to how you use revenue you have obtained, under the following headings: Where is your organisation in this journey? What challenges are you facing? What opportunities have you identified? Choose a member of your group to feedback to the rest of us towards the end of the session.