Warm UP Take an Activity 1 Worksheet Use your notes from Wednesday to complete.
Skills for Building Health Lesson 2
Ten building blocks for total health Assessing Information Practicing Healthful Behaviors Stress Management Analyzing Influences Communication Skills Conflict – Resolution Skills Refusal Skills Decision Making Goal Setting Advocacy
Accessing information Where can you find this information? Use resources from home, school, community to get valid health information. Parents or trusted adults Library Media Sources (TV, radio, internet) Watching or listening to interviews with health professionals *The Internet has up-to-the-minute information from government agencies, universities, and health care providers (Always use sites that end in .gov and .edu)
Accessing information Getting health information is important, but so is analyzing whether that specific health information is valid, or RELIABLE. Reliable = the source is trustworthy and dependable. How do we know? Learn about the site or author of the article…are they an expert? Does the site reference scientific studies or other sources? If on the internet, check who owns or operates the website
Practicing healthful behaviors When you were younger, your parents decided what was best for your health. As you age, you now make these decisions. When you practice healthful behaviors, you will start seeing benefits quickly. Exercise regularly – your heart and muscles grow stronger Eat healthful foods and drink plenty of water – your body works more efficiently Get a good night’s sleep – have more energy throughout the day Practicing heathful behaviors can prevent injury, illness, disease, and other health problems.
Stress management Stress = the body’s response to real or imagined dangers and other life events. You will always have positive AND negative stress in your life. Positive stress can be helpful! It helps you focus and take action. Example = Study really hard for a test so you do well. Other times, stress can make you feel unsure of yourself. Added negative stress will keep you from taking action or trying new things. (not helpful!!) Negative stress can hurt your physical health by making it hard to sleep or giving you a headache, or keeping you from eating (or overeating!) Stress is a part of daily life…it happens! How do you handle it? Stress management = identifying sources of stress and learning how to handle them in ways that promote good mental/emotional health.
What influences will affect your decisions? Analyzing influences What influences will affect your decisions? When you make a decision, who/what influenced you? Was it… Your friends? Your family members? Your culture? Messages from the media? Cost? Quality?
Communication skills How many people did you communicate with today? Did you tell someone how you were feeling? Did you listen to someone tell you about a new idea? Did you smile at a friend? Did someone smile at you? Your relationships with others depend on good communication skills! This includes BOTH speaking well and listening carefully. Speaking skills help you express your thoughts and opinions in healthful ways. Listening skills let you understand the messages other people send you. Interpersonal communication = the sharing of thoughts and feelings with other people. TWO MOST IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION SKILLS ARE: Saying NO when others want you to do something unhealthy Settling conflicts peacefully
When you communicate effectively, you can prevent misunderstandings. Communication skills Communication skills involve much more than just speaking and listening! You always send messages through: The words you choose HOW you say them Your facial expressions Your posture When you communicate effectively, you can prevent misunderstandings.
Conflict – resolution skills People have different wants, needs, and ways of looking at things, which can create a conflict. Conflict = a disagreement between people with opposing viewpoints, interests, or needs. Conflict happens…it’s a normal part of life! Dealiing with conflict, and HOW you deal with conflict are important parts of social health. Conflict Resolution Skills = having the ability to end a disagreement or keep it from becoming a larger conflict. Conflict Resolution Tips: Take a time-out to let everyone calm down Allow each person to tell his or her side of the story Let each person ask questions of the other Keep thinking of creative ways to resolve the conflict
Refusal skills Refusal Skills = ways to say no effectively. When you stand up for a decision you make, you also need to stand up for the values and beliefs behind that decision. To say no effectively, use the right body language and tone. Examples = eye contact, a serious facial expression, firm (but not angry) tone of voice Other ways to say no effectively: Say no. “No, I can’t go with you today.” Tell why not. “I would be breaking a promise.” Offer other ideas. “What about tomorrow?” Promptly leave if you need to.
Decision making & goal setting The path to good health begins with good choices. (eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, etc.) Decision making = the process of making a choice or solving a problem. Making a decision can also depend on a number of different factors…ethical, your values, parental approval, legal) When setting a goal, the most important step is to make sure you set REALISTIC GOALS! 2 types of goals = Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals
Decision making Step 1: State the Situation Step 2: List the Options Step 3: Weigh the Possible Outcomes H (healthful) E (ethical) L (Legal) P (Parent Approval) Step 4: Considering Values Step 5: Make a Decision and Act Step 6: Evaluate Your Decision
The goal setting process Step 1: Identify a Specific Goal and Write it Down Step 2: List the Steps You Will Take to Reach Your Goal Step 3: Get Help and Support from Others Step 4: Identify and Overcome Specific Obstacles Step 5: Evaluate Your Progress Step 6: Give Yourself a Reward
advocacy Advocacy = taking action in support of a cause. When you care about an issue that could harm people’s health, you work to improve it. Maybe you know of unsafe or unhealthy conditions in your school or neighborhood. Maybe you pass a busy street corner without a stop sign or a crosswalk when you’re walking to school. You think these are dangerous situations…how/what can you do to make a change?
List all of the steps you can think of. Warm up If you wanted to make/set a goal for yourself, what steps do you think you would take? List all of the steps you can think of.