Materiali didattici These educational materials were designed within the project Ethika: Ethics and Values Education in Schools and Kindergartens Ethika for moral education in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools. The topics chosen together with teachers and parents coming from Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria through focus groups and questionnaires are: Conflict resolution, Ethical action, Justice, Respect, Responsibility, Self esteem. Each material is accompanied by key learning points as well as several interesting facts or pieces of information which are intended to be used to provoke further discussion. The most appropriate age group and related emotional intelligence are indicated. Materials can be used according to the: Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike license This project has been funded with the support of the European Union and the Slovenian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Union and the Slovenian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Hello Broccy! Are you sad again? Hello Corny! Live me a lone!
Don’t be mad! I want to cheer you up! Nobody can cheer me up! I’m just one sad broccoli.
Do you really want to know? But why? Why are you sad? Do you really want to know?
Yes! I want to know! You are my friend and I want to know! OK! Nobody loves me! Children don’t like me!
Broccy you are wrong. We are your friends and we love you! What? Yes! I’m so healthy and nobody loves me, nobody even likes me! I have nice green color, but even that doesn’t help! Broccy you are wrong. We are your friends and we love you!
We will ask children. Children do you love broccoli? It’s so unjust. Children like almost every plant. But they don’t like broccoli. Why? We will ask children. Children do you love broccoli?
I’m a nice plant too. When children hear about me, they run away! Why? Do you think this is unjust? But everybody, even plants have something that bothers them.
You are too sad, but you are not right. Really! Tommy, children even like to play with you. You are so popular! Everybody likes you! You are too sad, but you are not right. Yes, sometimes children like to throw me in the sky. But when I fall down it’s not so good.
Yes, you are right. But, it’s unjust. Children don’t like me Yes, you are right. But, it’s unjust. Children don’t like me. They love you and they throw you, then you have ugly fall. Oh, it’s so sad! No it’s not sad! When somebody squeezes me it isn’t nice to. When somebody squeezes you, nothing happens.
Children, did you ever experienced injustice? Everybody had experience with injustice. Yes, we need to try to eliminate injustice, but if we can’t we must be strong and live with it! Really? Children, did you ever experienced injustice? Did you see that? Unfortunately we need to get used to injustice, because we can’t eliminate it.
Even I had a lot of experiences with injustice Even I had a lot of experiences with injustice. You know, people usually pull out my leaves. And you know that they make pop-corn from my grain.
Children can you define what is injustice? Do you agree with me that injustice is when something goes wrong? Or we need to put some more words into this sentence? Children can you define what is injustice? What is justice than?
Do you know what is made of this plant? Hello children, do you know who I am?
But, you know that corn bread exists too. I’m a plant from which you can get flour and then bread. You probably eat bread every day. But, you know that corn bread exists too. But there is no Tomato bred. Is this injustice?
My name is wheat. And I’m going to dance. Best regards to all. After this discussion I’m not sad anymore, because you and children proved that we need to fight with injustice. Where is Broccy? Here he comes. Look carefully!
Children please be happy and be fair! Hope to see you soon. Ok, then I will go too. See you soon, children. Ok, let’s finsh our discussion. I have to go. By!