WG05: Well Abandonments CSOEM – SC 10 – Subcommittee on Well Cements 2017 Exploration & Production Winter Standards Meeting Austin, TX Joe Shine – Chair 18 Jan 2017
Outline Charge Membership Old business Efforts-conference calls Document progress Forward plans Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Charge Identify literature and gaps associated with well plugging and abandonments for both offshore and onshore environments. Present findings to serve as foundation to develop a RP. Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Membership Joe Shine, Chair, Saudi Aramco Jerry Calvert, Advisor, Consultant Dave Stiles, ExxonMobil James Heathman, Shell Erick Cunningham, BP Matt Goodine, BP Dan Mueller, ConocoPhillips Jamie Reid, Occidental Ramy Eid, Repsol Andre Garnier, Total Anthony Badalamenti, CurisTec Antonio Bottiglieri, BH Gunnar DeBruijn, SLB WC Jones, CTE Clara Mata, 3M Paul Sonnier, Superior/CSI Cam Matthews, C-FER Tech Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Old business Motion to accept the Washington D.C. meeting minutes Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Efforts August 31, 2016 conference call Participants: Summary: Result: Occidental, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, BP, Shell, D.G.Calvert SLB, BHI, CurisTec Summary: “Line-by-line” review of document outline Active discussions on subject matter content for sections Further refinement of sections to clean up document Discussed E3 efforts will help populate appropriate sections Result: Revised outline with content for sections sent out to WG Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Efforts January 4, 2017 conference call Participants: Summary: Result: Occidental, ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, Total BHI, CurisTec Summary: Discussion of outline sections for participation Active volunteering and assignment of most sections Brought in E3 content help populate based upon last draft Result: April 30, 2017 deliverable date for first draft of sections Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Document progress Scope Normative references Terms, definitions, symbols Application and operating variables Material consideration for barriers Installation Evaluation and verification criteria Annex A Software placement simulations B Bibliography Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Document progress Application and operating variables 4.1 Formation types 4.1.1 Potential flow zones [E3] 4.1.2 Usable water sources [E3] 4.1.3 Natural seals [ConocoPhillips] 4.1.4 Injectable and depleted zones [E3] 4.2 Positions 4.2.1 Seal restoration [BP] 4.2.2 Formation pressures and strengths [BP] 4.2.3 Open hole completions [E3] 4.2.4 Cased hole completions [E3] 4.2.5 Casing shoe [E3] 4.2.6 Casing stub or liner top [E3] 4.2.7 Useable water sources [E3] 4.2.8 Sub-sea vs. direct access [Shell] Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Document progress 5.1 Temperature and pressure [Aramco] Material consideration for barriers 5.1 Temperature and pressure [Aramco] 5.2 Pumpable sealants [Shell] 5.3 Natural/Earth [ConocoPhillips] 5.3.1 Collapsible formations 5.3.2 Qualification of sealing capacity 5.3.3 Field development 5.4 Mechanical [BP] 5.5 Environment [Occidental] Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Document progress Installation 6.1 Placement methods 6.1.1 Well trajectory [Aramco] 6.1.2 Displacement General [E3] Pump and pull [BP] IBOP [BP] Sacrificial work string [Occidental] 6.2 Best practices [ExxonMobil – lead, Occidental, CurisTec] 6.2.1 Plug’s 6.2.2 Squeeze’s 6.2.3 Thru-tubing Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Document progress Evaluation and verification criteria 7.1 Annulus 7.1.1 Pressure matching/PJE [Aramco] Software [Aramco] 7.1.2 Cement evaluation tools [TR1] 7.2 In-pipe 7.2.1 Physical or mechanical tests [E3] Workstring Wireline 7.2.2 Hydraulic tests [E3] Positive In-flow Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Document progress Annex A Software placement simulations [Aramco] Annex B Bibliography [WG] Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Way Forward End of April expected first deliverables Chair to follow up with volunteers on efforts Monitor E3 progress, chair to populate sections Solicit E3 feedback from WG if further build out is required for the RP Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM
Thank you Motion to adjourn? Joe Shine - WG 05 - 2017 E&P Winter Std Mtg – SC10 - CSOEM