Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science


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Presentation transcript:

Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science Norma Emerton. “Arguments for the Existence of God from Nature and Science.” In Science and Theology: Questions at the Interface. Eds. Murray Rae, Hilary Regan, & John Stenhouse. Grand Rapids, MI: William Eerdmans, 1994. There is a long tradition in Western Christianity of appealing to nature for reasoned support for God. And there is scriptural support to this appeal. Psalm 19:1 – “The heavens tell out the glory of God, heavens vault makes known his handiwork.” Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 1

Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science Romans 1:20 – “Ever since the world began his invisible attributes, that is to say his everlasting power and deity, have been visible to the eye of reason in the things he has made.” Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 2

Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science Emerton offers a brief history of appealing to nature to support God’s existence-- the Church Fathers, Augustine, Moses Maimonides, Aquinas, among many others. Augustine’s warning The Scientific Revolution brought a new attitude toward nature, that it is worthy of study. The immense popularity of the two-book metaphor -- Francis Bacon, Galileo, Newton, Robert Boyle Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 3

Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science The new sciences enhanced arguments for the existence of God from nature by adding precision & accuracy to the evidence for design. For Bacon, Boyle & others, the exploration of nature using the new sciences was a way of glorifying God. Robert Boyle (1627-1691): “When with the help of anatomical knives and the light of chymical furnaces I study the book of nature . . . I find myself exclaiming with the psalmist, How manifold are thy works, O God, in wisdom hast though made them all!” Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 4

Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science For Newton, natural theology (arguments for God from nature & science) did not complement revelation, but supplanted it (79). Comments on Newton’s unorthodox theology. The Enlightenment criticism of design arguments. David Hume’s classic challenge Yet natural theology remained popular Paley’s Natural Theology of 1802 Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 5

Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science But Darwin’s Origin (1859) severely challenged design arguments. Yet even Darwin ended the Origin with a statement which expressed the ongoing hold of the design argument. See p. 82. But Darwin’s appeal to the design argument seems to have faded over time. See his 1876 statement about Paley’s argument (83). Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 6

Emerton on arguments for God from nature & science Does this history give us some guidance about the uses of natural theology today? The “pure cosmological argument” seems to still have standing. Emerton claims that it will never be challenged by science (83). What about the argument from design? It is powerful on an emotive, non-intellectual level & this is not to be despised (84). The argument brings out the value of beauty as a pointer to God. Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 7

Polkinghorne’s comments on Emerton John Polkinghorne’s comments on Emerton’s paper 1. Arguments from nature & science for God are limited. They may lead us to a cosmic architect or great mathematician, but not to the God of scriptures. 2. These arguments are always vulnerable to alternative explanations. There is a risk in tying theology too closely to science. 3. Most design arguments fail to take into account the dark side of nature. Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 8

Polkinghorne’s comments on Emerton Yet there is a value in these arguments. People are struck by the rational beauty of the universe & by its delicately balanced fruitful history in a way which “suggests” some intelligence behind it all.” (98) And the new natural theology claims less; it claims intellectually satisfying understanding, not proof. Theism explains more than atheism. The new design argument based on the anthropic principle explains the “fabric of the universe, not specific processes in nature.” Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 9

Polkinghorne’s comments on Emerton Finally, the new natural theology acknowledges that creation involves a kenosis of divine power. An evolutionary universe is one which is allowed by its creator to make itself. This view of God’s relation to universe gives chance a proper role. Also gives us a glimmer of an answer to the problem of theodicy (99). World is allowed to make itself and such a world will have blind alleys & ragged edges. Emerton & Polkinghorne on the continuing value of natural theology ~ slide 10