ASEPS Kick-off Meeting - current status - Mitsuaki NOZAKI KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
A Brief History -1- In April 2008, the President of CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France) proposed to the President of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) to have an Asia-Europe joint symposium on physics. In May 2008, the President of JSPS agreed to support on the condition that KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan) coordinates the symposium with CNRS. The Director-General of KEK gave his consent. D. P-G and MN started working on the preparation Visit to several physics related institutes in Japan for their cooperation The symposium was named ASEPS In December 2008, the JPS (Japan Physical Society) and JSAP (Japan Society of Applied physics) agreed to co-organize ASEPS
A Brief History -2- In January 2009, AAPPS (Association of Asia-Pacific Physical Societies) and EPS (European Physical Society) agreed to co-organize ASEPS The ASEPS was decided to be held on 24-26 March 2010 at Tsukuba, Japan. In May 2009, the 1st circular was distributed in the names of the Presidents of AAPPS and EPS Recipients are physical societies, physics-related laboratories/organizations, funding agencies etc. List is growing, ~600 names as of today In July 2009, Kick-off at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Program Outline (to be discussed today) Opening address/ Messages Physics 3 Physics 6 Keynote address Physics 4 Physics 7 Lunch Physics 1 Physics 5 Summary/ Closing address Physics 2 Poster 1 time slot ~ 1.5 hours ~ 2-3 talks
Topics and Working Groups Decide topics to be presented at ASEPS Set up a working group for each research field to discuss (probably through e-mail) what will be presented and who will present Provide necessary information to the speaker Assign 2 conveners (Asia and Europe) to coordinate WG activity Call for posters Scientific topics Particle, nuclear, atomic/molecular physics, condensed matter, plasma/fusion, laser/optics, astro, bio(-medical), computational, environmental, energy,, a la IUPAP ? a la Physical Review ? Or ? Facility based projects; accelerator, reactor, satellite, microscope, laser, high magnetic field,,,, Other topics Education/outreach Impacts on industry/society Asia-Europe cooperation framework government/funding agency/society/community/laboratory
WG Need to assign WG conveners as soon as possible Ex. Particle physics Representatives of major accelerator labs: CERN,DESY, Frascati, IHEP, KEK Leaders of national/regional HEP community Ex. Nuclear Physics Asian Nuclear Physics Association (ANPhA) European counterpart (Nupec?)
Organization/Committees International Organizing Committee Heads of participating organizations/institutions AAPPS, EPS, CNRS, JSPS, CEA, JPS, JSAP, KEK,,,, Support in term of funding and/or manpower Working Group Scientific perspective, future projects, Asia-Europe cooperation, common issues to be solved Guideline for posters Program Committee Conveners of all WGs Nominate speakers Local Organizing Committee Logistics, documentation, web page, poster,,,,
Timeline 1st preparatory meeting in Shanghai Launch WG (first ready, first go) Assign conveners 2nd preparatory meeting in somewhere in Europe (Bruxelles ?) Finalize program; Speakers, poster presentation ASEPS (24-26 March 2010)
Budget Income Expenditure Major support from JSPS Minor support from KEK, CNRS,,, Conference Fee (?) Expenditure Conference rooms and equipments Support staffs Posters and handout Banquette/reception/lunch (paid by participant ?) Travel support (?) young scientists from developing countries (?)