Year 10 Parent Information Evening Term One, 2017 Course Selection 2017-18
Senior School Team Members Deputy Senior School- Mrs Kim Lloyd Senior School Manager- Ms Amanda Joiner VET Coordinator- Mr Max Borsei Senior School Coordinator- Mrs Monique Ryan Administration Staff- Mrs Jill Hocking, Mrs Nanette Burke and Mrs Peta Rumble
Western Australian Certificate of Education
Senior School Graduation – Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) WACE Tracking Good Standing Prepare for transition to work, training or further education Senior school courses Vocational programs – incorporating Vocational Education and Training (VET)
WACE Requirements Complete a literacy and numeracy assessment to demonstrate achievement at or above a minimum standard- OLNA Achieve an ATAR or complete a Certificate II or higher Complete a year 11 English course and year 12 English course
WACE Requirements Complete at least one course from a List A (Arts, Language, Social Science)course and one course from a List B course (Mathematics, Science, Technologies) Complete a minimum of 10 courses across senior secondary years
WACE Requirements Achieve at least 7 C Grades in year 11 and 12 (or equivalents) AND Achieve at least 3 C Grades in year 12 (or equivalents) EQUIVALENTS- There will be provision for students to offset these course requirements by completing VET qualifications- Certificates I - IV
OLNA - On Line Literacy and Numeracy Tests Writing Reading Numeracy March September
Good Standing Policy Good Standing All students, on enrolment, commence on ‘Good Standing’. Students who are deemed to have maintained Good Standing in a semester will have achieved the following levels of performance in relation to the standards: Commitment Standard– obtain at least 60% combined Consistently and Often Attributes on Semester Report Attendance Standard – 90% attendance (or better) within a semester Conduct Standard – maintain what is accepted as consistent good conduct
Advanced Standing – Academic Students are deemed to have excelled in relation to the standards when they have achieved the following levels of performance in a semester: Academic Standard – Minimum Learning Area Grade average 4.40 in a Semester (Learning Area Grade average calculated using A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1) Attendance Standard – 95% attendance (or better) within a semester. Conduct Standard – maintain what is accepted as consistent good conduct across the school.
Advanced Standing – Commitment Students are deemed to have excelled in relation the standards when they have achieved the following levels of performance in a semester: Commitment standard – obtain at least 95% Consistently Attributes on Semester Report with no Sometimes or Seldom Attendance Standard – 95% attendance (or better) within a semester. Conduct Standard – maintain what is accepted as consistent good conduct across the school.
Conditional Standing Students are deemed to have performed below an acceptable level in relation to the standards when they have exhibited one or more of the following levels of performance in a semester: Commitment Standard - obtain less than 60% combined Consistently and Often Attributes on Semester Report Attendance Standards – below 90% attendance within a semester Conduct Standard – not maintaining consistent good conduct across the school.
3.4.1 Conditional Standing Conduct A student may be placed on Conditional Standing Conduct for one or more of the following: Consistent referral to Deputy Principal for behavioural issues Referral to HoLA on 3 or more occasions ‘Withdrawal’ by Deputy Principal or delegate Suspension Breaching Uniform and/or Personal Electronic Device expectations on 3 or more occasions Students on Conditional Standing Conduct may lose the privilege to become involved in extra-curricular activities, such as school sporting teams, Yohfest and the privilege to attend school social events as deemed appropriate by the Senior School Deputy. Conditional Standing Conduct will be reviewed 5 weeks from date of loss of Conduct Standing. Where there have been no further issues Conduct Standing may be reinstated. Note: Other Conditional Standings are reviewed at the end of each semester.
Two Pathways for WACE Courses in Year 11 and 12 ATAR - Front door entry to University GENERAL- TAFE, Apprenticeship, Employment Pathway ATTAINMENT – ATAR OF > 70 or completion of a Certificate II or higher by the end of Year 12
What’s an ATAR? Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank Nationally recognised ranking Complete at least 4 ATAR Courses Sit external exams at the end of Year 12 All students are ranked (70 ATAR = top 30%) Minimum ATAR for university entrance = 70
What’s an ATAR? C/B grades ~ 70 (Curtin, Murdoch, ECU) Minimum ATAR for university entrance – 70 C/B grades ~ 70 (Curtin, Murdoch, ECU) B grades ~ 80 (UWA) A grades ~ 90+ (highly competitive courses) Physiotherapy, Law
Requirements for choosing a Pathway NAPLAN Band 8 or above and B Grade in year 10 English for ENGLISH & Related Courses- ATAR PATHWAY Pre- Requisites for other ATAR courses VET courses have prerequisites for Attributes
What is VET? Training and demonstration of competencies by students Nationally recognised qualifications Qualifications range from Certificate I – Advanced Diploma
Benefits of VET More competitive to VET post school Access to industry expertise & equipment Links with employers and industry Alternative university entry pathway
Vocational programs at Lesmurdie SHS VETLink Program (VLP) 5 days at school Choice of subjects Complete TAFE Certificates at school WorkLink Program (GVP) 4 days at school Exploration of Workplace one day a week Possibility of selected TAFE courses out of school
VET Certificates at L.S.H.S. Certificate II in Automotive Mechanical Certificate II and III in Business Certificate II in Sampling & Measurement Certificate II in Sport and Recreation Certificate II in Furnishing Certificate II in Visual Arts Certificate II in Information Technology & Digital Media Certificate II in Hospitality Certificate II in Tourism
VET Certificate pathways to University
Careers Program Development- Year 10 Semester One THE PROCESS INVOLVES 6 STEPS…… Dream about your future Understand your strengths and values Discover your employability skills Know your skills and interests Explore career pathways Make decisions about your preferred future- Senior School Courses or Future employment or training
Important steps along the way before Subject Selection for Year 11 & 12 8 Careers lessons in Semester 1 to guide Course selection Interim Reports- 25th March Parent Interview Day- Monday 3rd April Year 10 Exams- Week 4 & 5 Term Two Attend the Career Expo- Early Term 2
Benchmarks for courses provided Important steps along the way before Subject Selection for Year 11 & 12 Benchmarks for courses provided Student Course Selection- Week 7/8, using Longitudinal data and Year 10 Semester 1 reports Re-organisation of classes according to year 11/12 pathway selection Opportunity for students demonstrate ability if they haven’t met the benchmark for courses
Semester One Year 11 Progress- Week 13
Semester One Year 11 Progress- Week 13
University Pathway (ATAR) What does it take? Make study a priority, limited social life Cutting back or giving up part time work Fewer sporting commitments Limited TV, internet, Facebook and mobile phone use Study academically demanding Courses (ATAR Courses) Sit exams each semester in Yrs. 11/12 Sit external university entrance exams (achieve an ATAR ≥ 70 (minimum “C” grades) Commitment to study for the next 5 – 7 years
Non - University Pathway (VET) What does it take? Expectation to complete all set tasks Some homework, particularly if don’t complete class work Study less academically challenging Courses (General Courses) Complete VET Certificate/s Sit tests and complete assignments No exams Attend one day/week in the workplace
Key points for Course Selection Select 6 courses, one must be English Choose at least 1 List A course and 1 List B course ATAR PATHWAY – 4 ATAR Courses/1 General/1 VET Certificate - 4 ATAR Courses/2 General - 5 ATAR Courses/1 VET Certificate - 5 ATAR Courses/1 General Course - 6 ATAR Courses *** YOU MUST SELECT COURSE RESERVES
GENERAL PATHWAY- 4 or 5 DAY VET Program 4 day- WORKLink Compulsory Maths, English, Career & Enterprise Choose 1 VET Certificate Choose 1 General Course 5 day VETLink Compulsory Maths, English Choose 3 General Courses *** YOU MUST PREFERENCE YOUR COURSES & SELECT RESERVES
THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING SUBJECTS FOR YEARS 11 AND 12 Choose Subjects that You are Good at and You Will do Well at. WHERE TO GET ADVICE Class Teachers Senior School Manager Senior School Coordinator VET Coordinator Choose Subjects that You are Interested In Choose Courses that Open Up Opportunities to many Post-School Destinations Choose a VET Certificate if Not Completing 6 ATAR Courses
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