2017 BASEBALL SEASON NORTH TORRANCE LITTLE LEAGUE P.O. Box 7331, Torrance, CA 90504 – www.NorthTorranceLittleLeague.com On line registration is now available on our website (pay by check or credit card) AGE REQUIREMENT: Players must be between the ages of 4 years old through 16 years old (by April 30, 2017). SNACK BAR DEPOSIT: Volunteer: $60.00/child (refundable upon completion of shifts.) (not payable with registration on-line fees; please provide a separate check per child.) ---or--- Buy-Out option: $60.00/child (non-refundable) (uniform will be held if funds are not received). FUNDRAISER PARTICIPATION: Each player is required to participate in the league fundraiser. The fee is $50.00 (non-refundable). Share the fundraiser cards with friends and family and immediately get your money back! REGULAR REGISTRATION FEES: $130.00 per Player (4-6 years old) $220.00 per Player (7-16 years old) $400.00 family maximum registration fee RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT: Players must reside within the North Torrance Little League or if your child attends any school within North Torrance, they are eligible to play at NTLL. Baseball boundaries as established by Little League Baseball. See our website for map. BIRTH CERTIFICATE REQUIRED: Please provide a copy, not an original. ITEMS NEEDED TO REGISTER: One – a utility bill Two – of the following items: CA Driver’s License Tax Return Voter Registration card Auto registration Auto Insurance card **Registration Now** Early Bird Special Deadline-12/18/16 North Torrance Little League www.NorthTorranceLittleLeague.com *Little League Baseball requires all volunteers to submit a VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM and will be subject to a background check.