Quotes of Scholars Presented by W3dreamers Powered by:W3dreamers
Overview Description Features It is a collection of famous quotations of famous persons on various categories. It may help to think users what should they do. One can store his/her favourite quote separately. One can copy a quote and use it whatever he/she can. Browse quotes by category Make favourite your quote Can be copied to clipboard Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Splash Screen When first time the application is opened all required data are loaded into the database and this screen is appeared. After loading data, the app automatically navigates to the next screen. The loading time in this screen is very low. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Category List All the categories of quotes are listed here. If user clicks on a category then the app is navigated to the screen containing quotes of that category. If user clicks on second tab of the screen then lists of person are shown. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Persons List All the persons whose quotes will be found in this app are listed here. If user clicks on a person then the app is navigated to the screen containing quotes of that person. If user clicks on first tab of the screen then lists of categories are shown. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Quotes of a Category All the quotes of a specific category are listed here. The user can make a quote favorite by clicking on the check-box on below of that quote. Then this quote will be added in the favorite list. Again the user can make a favourite quote nonfavourite by unchecking the checkbox. The user can see the favourite quotes by clicking on the second tab of the screen. The user can also copy a quote by long clicking on that quote. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Favorite Quotes of a Category All the favourite quotes of a specific category are listed here. The user can see all quotes of that category by clicking on the first tab of the screen. The user can also copy a quote by long clicking on that quote. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Quotes of a Person All the quotes of a specific person are listed here. The user can make a quote favorite by clicking on the check-box on below of that quote. Then this quote will be added in the favorite list. Again the user can make a favourite quote nonfavourite by unchecking the checkbox. The user can see the favourite quotes by clicking on the second tab of the screen. The user can also copy a quote by long clicking on that quote. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Favorite Quotes of a Person All the favourite quotes of a specific person are listed here. The user can see all quotes of that caperson by clicking on the first tab of the screen. The user can also copy a quote by long clicking on that quote. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Dialog for Copying Quote If the user long clicks on a quote then this dialog will appear. The user can choose the first button on the dialog to copy the quote or can choose the second button if he doesn’t want to copy. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers
Exit Dialog If the user back pressed on the screen containing categories list or persons list then this dialog will appear. The user can choose the first button on the dialog to exit from the application or can choose the second button if he doesn’t want to exit. Powered by:W3dreamers w3dreamers