Education and Creativity Dr. Jestin B. Mandumpal Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Education and Creativity Contents What is the goal of education? :: some responses from great people Why are we educated? What is creativity? Importance of creativity How can we introduce creativity to education? Classrooms and creativity
Education and Creativity What is the goal of education? What is the goal of education? :: famous quotes “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically”:: Martin Luther King Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school” Albert Einstein “The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values” William S. Burroughs (essayist) “The secret in education lies in respecting the student” Ralph Waldo Emerson (essayist and poet)
Education and Creativity What is the goal of education? These four quotes tell us the following :: Education is continuous:: it stops only when you die Education related to critical thinking: finding out the best solution Every educated soul is a student Education is not simply remembering facts, but ability to use skills when required.
Education and Creativity What is creativity? Creativity means bringing into being it involves the generation of new things or ideas the transformation of those previously existing
Education and Creativity What is creativity? Creativity means The whole essence of creativity lies in its freshness, its freedom, its newness. Creativity is often unexpected and exciting. It involves seeing things in new ways and breaking rules. Creativity may result in something radically different-
Education and Creativity What is creativity? The real driver of creativity is an appetite for discovery and a passion for the work itself. When students are motivated to learn, they acquire the skills they need to get the work done. Their mastery of them grows as their creative ambitions expand.
Education and Creativity What is creativity? Creativity is not:: It is true that creative work in any field involves a growing mastery of skills and concepts. But Creativity is not a linear process:: You don’t have to learn all the necessary skills before you get started. Focusing on skills in isolation can kill interest in any discipline. For example:: Many have study practicing for examinations only to abandon many of the subjects they score good grades
Education and Creativity The importance of creativity Why creativity? The huge challenges facing the world today – climate change, poverty, warfare, food scarcity – cannot be solved without new and innovative strategies. (As Albert Einstein said, “problems cannot be solved using the same thinking that created them.”) Educating for creativity is vital to the survival of the planet, not just the human race.
Education and Creativity The importance of creativity Why creativity matters? Creativity is possible in all areas of human life:: in science, the arts, mathematics, technology, cuisine, teaching, politics, business, you name it
Education and Creativity The importance of creativity Creativity means Creativity leads to innovation Society advances through innovation Innovation required problem solving skills and creativity
Education and Creativity How can introduce creativity into education? When education and creativity combines? Independency:: you become independent Being independent in learning Being independent in designing Being independent in implementing
Education and Creativity How can introduce creativity into education? Creative teachers They must be confident in their discipline Give ample time for students to finish the task you give Make students feel that mistakes are acceptable Risk taking is promoted
Education and Creativity How can introduce creativity into education? Creative students Ask more questions Make connections: creative people make associations that are not usually connected Think from different viewpoints Try alternatives; refresh their ideas Criticize own idea constructively It’s all a dynamic process combines all of these
Education and Creativity Class room and creativity Allowing more formats :: more opportunities to engage with the work they do. Encourage collaboration. Allowing students the chance to follow their own interests and passions is the whole point Give some leeway to students
Education and Creativity Classroom and Creativity Use technology for classwork & homework Tech literacy ::succeeding in the world today as creativity. Tech literacy : to make new contacts & to gain new ideas
Education and Creativity Classroom and creativity Tech literacy Student not excited for traditional textbooks They excited for modern methods: for example prodcasts As a result, teachers have a ton of options for bringing more excitement to the classroom
Education and Creativity Summary Education and Creativity interlinked We can make Classrooms more creative END OF THE TALK