Assessment Activities SS1H2 The student will read or listen to American folktales and explain how they characterize our national heritage. The study will include John Henry, Johnny Appleseed, Davy Crockett, Paul Bunyon, and Annie Oakley. Limited or Minimum Progress toward achievement of standard (1) Student is not able to explain how American folktales characterize our national heritage. Progressing toward achievement of standard (2) Student inconsistently describes how some American folktales (listed in GPS) characterize our national heritage. Consistently and independently achieves the standard (3) Student consistently and independently describes how all American folktales (listed in GPS) characterize our national heritage. Assessment Activities Have students write a story or draw a picture to show how folktales show positive things about our country. Have students make an American Folktale book. Click here for American Folktale book. Instructional Notes: Students should know: folktales reflect a country’s heritage.