Ashly Adermann Courtney Wear Kaley O’Brien Community Dental Health Spring 2015 Ashly Adermann Courtney Wear Kaley O’Brien
Community Projects Lapwai Elementary Oral Education Lewiston Public Health WIC Program Geratric Oral Assessment
Lapwai Elementary Oral Education
Lesson Plan Project Leader: Kaley O’Brien Grades K-6 (approximately 200 students) Students gained oral hygiene instruction and education on how to prevent decay, effects of meth and tobacco, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Lapwai, ID Spring 2015
General Goals To teach children proper oral hygiene techniques Why to avoid meth and tobacco How to prevent decay What gingivitis and periodontal disease is Provide fluoride varnish
Questionnaire We started by asking the children How many of you know how to brush your teeth? How often do you brush your teeth? How long do you brush you teeth? Do your teeth ever hurt? Do they ever bleed? What happens if we don’t brush our teeth? Do you guys eat candy? All of these questions would lead into educational topics.
Required Material Lots of visual aids were used to help aid in showing these children all this material. Brushing charts for the younger children, typodonts, timers, stuffed animals with teeth, and photos of decay were all used.
Brushing Chart
Visual Aids
Visual Aids
Lapwai Elementary Oral Education
Lapwai Elemantary Oral Education
dmf indices: K-6 51% 38% -83 filled teeth -32 missing
Evaluation Of Students The students of Lapwai Elementary School have been a part of this program for 5 years now, so they are really retaining the information that is taught to them. We felt the students were all very receptive and very excited for their oral health.
Evaluation of Group Members Overall the presentations went well. The children seemed to learn a lot about their oral health. We felt that if we would have been allotted more time our presentations would have gone a lot smoother.
Lewiston Public Health: Idaho WIC
Lesson Plan Project Leader: Courtney Wear WIC program at Lewiston Public Health Department. Parents and their children aged 0-5 Parents gained knowledge on how to assist their children on creating a oral hygiene routine. Also, education on how to prevent decay, description of gingivitis and thrush, and how to detect any oral problems. Lewiston, ID Spring 2015
General Goals Transmission of bacteria How to properly brush their children's teeth To instruct the adults that, along with tooth brushing, fluoride is great for the prevention of caries. This can be done twice a year until they are five years old through WIC.
Pre-Questionnaire How many times per day are they having their teeth brushed? What are they drinking throughout the day? Are they drinking water? How often are they snacking?
Post-Questionnaire Yes or No Questions - The child’s parents, brothers or sisters have cavities and filling… My child drinks juice, soda, or sweetened drinks in between meals… My child frequently snacks on candy, cookies, or crackers… My child often sleeps with a bottle filled with liquid other than water… My child nurses whenever he or she wants to… My child is still over 12 months of age and still drinks from a bottle… I have observed white or brown areas on my child’s teeth… My child drinks from a sippy cup throughout the day… My child usually brushes his or her teeth alone without my help… My child has frequent infections and takes sweetened medicines often… My child needs a dentist…
Required Material Lots of visual aids were used in order to help this be a fun environment for the children. SpongeBob book and stuffed animals Stickers Toothbrushes for babies, toddlers and adults Fluoride varnish
Visual Aids Toothbrushes for the babies, the toddlers and the adults!
Lewiston Public Health WIC
Lewiston Public Health WIC
WIC indices: 0-5 According to DeeLee Mendenhal, who we worked with at the Lewiston Public Health Department, they do not do indices on the children due to not enough time and not enough teeth present.
Evaluation Of Patients The children did a great job sitting still, listening and watching what was going on. As well as the parents, they listened to the hygiene instructions given. It is a little intimidating because you do not want the child to cry or to irritate the them, but as long as you keep their attention they were fine! The Public Health Hygienist said that you have to get the children’s attention right off the bat, when you meet them in the waiting room. That way they are not scared when you start talking to them and looking in their mouths.
Evaluation of Group Members You have to move quick, but effective, when working with children. It was a great experience to get to actually do a “happy visit” with the kids.
Juniper Meadows Assisted Living: Geriatric Oral Assessment
Lesson Plan Project Leader: Ashly Adermann Geriatric Residents of Assisted Living Facility (6 residents) Employees gained knowledge on how to assist the residents with their oral hygiene. Also, education on how to prevent decay, description of gingivitis, and periodontal disease, and how to detect any oral problems. Lewiston, ID Spring 2015
General Goals To bring awareness to the primary caregiver of the severity of dental caries How to prevent dental caries How to properly care for the residents teeth and mouth How to clean a denture
Required Material Denture brushes Surround brushes Biotene Typodont and toothbrush Flossing aids Mouth props
Visual Aids
Visual Aids
Geriatric Set Up
Geriatric Oral Assessment Does patient have natural teeth or dentures? When was the patient’s last dental cleaning? Is the patient experiencing any pain? Is there anything the patient finds difficult about their oral hygiene routine? How many time per day is patient brushing? How long is patient brushing? How many times per day is patient flossing? Is patient using a mouth rinse?
Evaluation Of Patients Residents had a choice to have an oral assessment. The residents that did chose to have an oral assessment seemed interested in keeping their teeth healthy even if they didn’t have many natural teeth. Overall the residents had a consistent knowledge of oral hygiene, but lacked knowledge of the importance of their oral health. All residents and faculty seemed willing to learn oral hygiene techniques and how to implement it into daily routine.
Evaluation of Group Members Meeting up to work on projects was not always easy due to all members working while in school but we always managed to find time. Our group worked well together and was a great team! This was a great learning experience for all of us and we will be able to take what we have learned and use it in our future endeavors.