APC welcomes HENA June 16, 2003 Pierre Binétruy.


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Presentation transcript:

APC welcomes HENA June 16, 2003 Pierre Binétruy

The APC (AstroParticule et Cosmologie) Institute is based on the following principles: Bring together in the same institute experimentalists, observers and theorists Center the field of study around three topics:  high energy astrophysics  cosmology  neutrinos Not duplicate the construction capabilities of spatial labs but preserve the possibilities of building prototypes and testing Develop technical expertise at both ends: development of new projects and data handling

Photodetection Theory High Energy Astrophysics Cosmology Neutrinos Data handling

Who are we? (November 2002) 73 permanent researchers:  39 particle physicists  26 astrophysicists including theorists  8 theorists 47 technical and administrative staffs

Physics (APC,…) Where are we? Tolbiac campus

Halle aux farines Bâtiment industriel Physics Building The physics building in March 2000

The APC laboratory: 2005

80 permanent researchers 80 non-permanent researchers 80 technical and administrative staff app. 240 persons (2008)

Fédération de recherches APC 2002-2004 Gathers all (astro)physicists who intend to join the APC lab in 2005 Strengthens the scientific program of the the future lab and encourages the merging of the different communities Draws the exact contours of the future lab Defines the exact mode of operation of APC

High energy  @ APC : present Antares : Saclay group (SPP) Theory

APC Experimental Program - Preliminary - 09.02 Data taking and analysis 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Archéops AMI or other ? Planck Supernovae (SNAP) ? INTEGRAL GLAST CAT, CELESTE HESS HESS phase 2 ? Auger Auger Northern hemisphere ? EUSO ANTARES km3 ? Borexino Future neutrinos : LENS (XMASS), Superbeams, bb0n ... Détecteur Mégatonne ??? LISA ???

High energy  @ APC : future Antares  km3 But also Auger EUSO Complementarity with high energy gamma rays : HESS, INTEGRAL, X-shooter (gamma ray bursts @ VLT), GLAST

APC workshops 2001: physics and astrophysics of extra dimensions 2002: observational cosmology (CMB and SZ) 2003: neutrinos 19/05-17/06 LowNU2003  HENA