EMPLOYMENT Education and work are linked in that an individual’s success at school often determines the kind of job he or she goes on to do. The British workforce is distinguished by the division of education—between state and private, Oxbridge and Redbrick, vocational and academic rather than its cohesiveness. Remuneration replicates social division.
Labour force by occupation
Attitudes to work in Britain have also undoubtedly been affected by the decline in religious observance. A belief in the moral importance of work (to work is to pray) was especially notable in the late 18th century with the growth of commerce in London, and in the early19th century, with the start of Industrial Revolution. Protestant ethic: we are put on earth, not just to live and to eat, but to work hard.
Leisure and Entertainment In dealing with leisure, it is related not just with how people occupy themselves but with the cultural significance of their hobbies and practices. Leisure affects cultural consciousness and identity. The trends of leisure change from natural, rural and traditional to artificial, sophisticated and modern.
Leisure and Entertainment The principle place of entertainment outside the home is the public houses, theatre and cinemas. Theatre, ballet and opera give Britain a high cultural profile particularly with overseas tourists. The major outdoor leisure and entertainment in Britain is sport.
New patterns in Leisure and Entertainment The National lottery has become an important social and cultural phenomenon. Shopping has also become one of Britain’s major leisure past times. The technological improvement makes the people in the world do not need to go outside, they can make networking with other people through internet.