Social Media
What technology is currently available in our schools/libraries/district?
How do we use technology in our schools/our libraries?
How is technology used in our students homes/what technology do they have available to them?
Where would we like our districts technology to be/look like?
What is the librarians role in technology now and in the future?
What is Social Media? “It is a term commonly used to refer to a variety of web-based tools used to connect, collaborate, and create web content and experiences. Websites that allow visitors to send email, post comments, build web content or take part in live audio or video chats are all considered to be social media sites.” -YALSA. "Teens & Social Media in School & Public Libraries: A Toolkit for Librarians & Library Workers." N.p., Feb. 2011. Web. 20 Aug. 2012.
Examples of social media: Image credit:
Why do we care about social media? 56% of Americans have a profile on a social media site up from: 52% - 2011; 48% - 2010 22% of Americans use social networking sites several times a day (up 12M from last year) Average of 20 minutes per social web page visit 1 in every 5 webpage views is a Facebook page More than 22 Million Americans used social media to find their most recent job opportunity;
Social Media in Libraries
Facebook 77% of internet using ADULTS utilize Facebook. Parent communication Community outreach Create a community outside of school Facebook Demo
Blogs Conversation between students, community, and the world – get students and staff involved! about programs, student achievements, new books, Social Media tools Book reviews News Downloads cool things we do in our awesome school. Daring Library Blog Many Lives to Live - Mine! Cross connect – Post blog to Facebook
Wikis A webpage everyone (or those specified) can edit! Why use a wiki? Ease of use? Information Recommended book lists Anything you can do on a website (almost) Learning Resource Center Wiki Daring Librarian Wiki
Pinterest Connects people through the things they like Promote by ‘pinning’ Books - New books, book trailers, book list, author websites Research tools/technology resources: databases, free online software, Random – cartoons about libraries, news, other teachers webpages, museums, etc Pinterest Demo
Virtual Reference While we don’t have the capability (and maybe desire) to do this on our own there are many resources available. Ask now Texas Houston Public Library - e-mail reference Internet Public Library
Mobile Apps – definitions Article Search – searches Google scholar and Microsoft academic search Access My Library - a 10-mile radius of your location, then gives you free, unlimited access to their reputable, authoritative Gale online resources — without the need to log in Mango – allows you to study languages on the go to go – allows you to connect with a live tutor for hw help IBookShelf – store your personal library – or make a list of books would like to read gFlash + - make digital flash cards Dropbox – access files anywhere Good reads app –read and write book reviews Classics – get the classics free (22k+) Marvel Comics – free Marvel comics!
QR Codes Quick Response codes work like a barcode that mobile devices can scan and instantly be liked to digital content Reviews Articles Webpages Videos Maps Make a QR Code
QR Code Scavenger Hunt Lesson
Options are endless!