How to prepare for your GMC visit Ananthakrishnan Raghuram Head of School of Medicine Severn Linacre Fellow RCP London
Agenda Introductions Shared experiences Aims Small group discussions What went well, what could be better and what different Aims Small group discussions Before- During After Summarise and action plans
Identify Posts and Programmes: Foundation Core Medical Training General Internal Medicine Acute Internal Medicine Respiratory Medicine Gastroenterology Emergency Medicine etc etc outliers in the GMC national trainee surveys, risk registers /concerns
Identify key players Dean/ ADMEs Project leads and administration support Senior Management Team and Executive Board members DMEs and Heads of Schools Programme directors Medical Schools General Medical Council All of the process was conducted in house – no additional support
The process Identify key milestones Communications plan Gather, Collate and Upload the evidence Plan meetings Update reports Kept track of all activity MILESTONES and check Timelines Regular Review on a regular basis Risk management Put the milestones in your calendar as red, gather every bit of intelligence on the specialities, collect your most exciting pieces of evidence (stay clear of policies and procedures)
Key messages Work with the GMC on your visit agenda Management Paper to Ex – get sign off Track all activities Engagement Meet and discuss regularly Plan together and be clear about expectations Timing and interdependencies Know your milestones Plan, plan, plan Work with the GMC on your visit agenda Engagement with the GMC and others about the agenda for when they visit you. Work with them about who they wanted to see. Trainees, trainers, lay partners, management team, quality team and functional teams.
GMC domains Theme 1: Learning environment and culture Theme 2: Educational Governance and leadership Theme 3: Supporting learners Theme 4: Supporting educators Theme 5: Developing and implementing curricula and assessments
Theme 1: Learning environment and culture “safe for patients and supportive for learners and educators” Induction, Handover, Feedback Raising concerns- evidence of what is being done Patient safety issues Duty of candour and managing near misses Training the trainers Appropriate level of responsibility (consent)
Theme 1: Learning environment and culture Access to teaching Variations Access to Procedural Skills training and simulation
Theme 1: Learning environment and culture Quality Improvement Trainees Trainers Ensuring Handover is effective and a learning opportunity Ensuring PTWR is effective and a learning opportunity
Theme 2: Educational Governance and leadership Quality control GMC NTS Local trainee surveys Junior doctor fora Processes for local Quality Management Building local faculty
Theme 3: Supporting learners Pastoral care Support for Trainees in need of support Access to Professional Support Units Access to Study Leave career advice
Theme 4: Supporting educators Faculty training (Provision for time in job plans Ensuring the time is delivered (agenda) ES feedback from ARCPs Support new trainers
Theme 5: Developing and implementing curricula and assessments Ensuring SLEs are able to be done Training for SLEs (registrars etc) Ensuring nCS and ES reports are to the required standard Monitor teaching attendance