Watch the following clip and try to add any information to your notes from last lesson
Lesson Objectives To be able to answer a GCSE public health question To explain the key features of Roman Public Health To gives reasons why the Romans had good Public Health
What were the key feature of Roman Public Health? (4 marks) 1-2marks: Simple answer that shows basic knowledge about the topic 3-4 marks Developed answer that explains key points about the topic
Why did the Roman government want good public health? 8 Marks 1-2marks: General or simple answer that describes some key points about the topic 3-5 marks Answer gives simple details with some limited explanation 6-8 marks Answer that gives a detailed evaluation of the key points of the topic
There are two main reasons why the Roman government wanted good public health. Firstly, the size of the empire was a reason why they wanted good public health. This is because they needed a strong and powerful army not only to protect the empire from their enemies, but also to use it to conquer more land. This meant that the soldiers needed to be strong and healthy and the Romans had noticed through empirical observation that the cleaner living conditions were, the healthier the people were. Therefore good public health provided conditions that helped keep the soldiers as healthy as possible and the army as strong and successful as possible. A second reason as to why the Roman government wanted good public health is that it needed money to pay for its army and keep expanding it’s trade routes. The government relied on taxes to collect this money from the workers. This meant that they needed healthy workers to work hard and create goods and make money so that they would have a strong economy which would lead to a stronger more powerful empire. Again, they applied the idea that cleaner living would lead to healthier people and so they provided good public health in towns and cities to make sure the workers were healthy and could make which could then be taxed and used to pay for more public health and the army.
Why did the Roman Government provide good public health? How is this question different to the question you have just answered?
There were two main reasons why the Romans had good public health. Firstly, the Roman government was organised and central to the Roman Empire. This meant that they were able to collect taxes from their huge empire and organise the money to pay for the construction of things like aqueducts, pubic baths, public toilets and sewers. These were expensive to build and required specialist builders to do it, but because the government was so organised, it was able to manage this. Secondly, the Roman government valued public health because they wanted healthy citizens to fight in the army and work hard to make the economy successful. This meant that they were willing to pay for good public health because through empirical observation they noticed that cleaner living conditions lead to healthier people which in the long run meant they were able to raise more taxes from a healthy population which was also fit and strong to fight to protect the empire and conquer other lands.