SPARC Review Committee Meeting General Layout Mechanical Design Alignment (Cont…) Francesco SGAMMA, Sandro TOMASSINI 2005, June 14th
Outline FIRST ACCELERATING SECTION: Magnetic shield manufacturing Solenoids Supporting Structure Accelerating sections Supports Magnetic field Measurement Tool Girder Accelerating Section alignment tool SECOND & THIRD ACCELERATING SECTIONS: Accelerating section Supports Girders DOG LEG: Magnet Girders
MAGNETIC SHIELD MANUFACTURING DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS High magnetic permeability material High homogeneity material Modularity for easy manufacturing, assembly and alignment Precise mechanical machining ( 0.1 mm)
MANUFACTURING PROCESS 50mm ARMCO steel laminated thick plate Shield divided into 7 cylindrical sectors Each sector divided in two halves Two 60mm thick end caps DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS High magnetic permeability material High homogeneity material Modularity for easy manufacturing, assembly and alignment Precise mechanical machining ( 0.1 mm)
Magnetic Shield
After Forming Thermal Treatment Cooling 3 h@650 ºC 7 h Warming Temp. axis Time axis
After Machining Thermal Treatment MAGNETIC PROPERTY RECOVERY