Plans for the PSI Canted-Dipole Program Bernhard Auchmann, CERN/PSI, Gabriella Rolando, PSI/CERN Shlomo Caspi, LBNL March 28, 2017
PSI Goals towards FCC Requirements Thin spars Exterior Bladder and Key structure Impregnation system (NHMFL resin, etc.). Fast quench detection and CLIQ protection. Wide Rutherford cable. Inclined channels manufacturing. Former manufacturability and cost reduction (with Fraunhofer/industry). PSI program to be complementary to US MDP program. CD1 CD2
CD1 and CD2 Cable and Geom. Params. PSI builds one mechanical structure for CD1: LBNL CCT cable (0.85 mm diam, RRP 108/127, 21 strand), 10.6 mm channel depth, 3 mm spar, 0.5 mm assembly gap Layer-2 OD = 122 mm, ID = 65.6 mm (clear bore). CD2: 15-T IL cable, (1 mm diam, RRP 150/169, 28 strand) 16 mm inclined channel, Layer-2 OD = 122 mm, ID = 48 mm (clear bore). CD1 introduces CCT technology to PSI. CD2 fits into MDP 15-T outer layers 3&4.
Mechanical Structure Bladder and Key technology chosen for tunability and relative simplicity. Closed pad gap Bladder locations 25 mm Al shell Vertical and horizontal keys Protective Al shell Vertically split yoke, OR 250 mm Vertically split pad, min thickness 30 mm Steel or iron? Al-bronze former Open yoke gap
CD1 Magnetic Design ISS = 20 kA at 4.2 K (~11 T bore field). For iron pad we could reach short sample at 1.9 K and 12 T. Jc(B, 4.2 K)
CD1 Mechanical Design Simulations for 1.9 K at short sample current. Stainless steel pad closed at all stages.
CD1 Mechanical Design Former azimutal stress under Lorentz force Cond. azimutal stress under Lorentz force Cond. radial displ. under Lorentz force -220/+206* MPa -82/+87 MPa 110 µm Former stress rises for sliding intra-layer contacts and for iron pads. Worst-case: -284/+408 MPa under Lorentz forces. * … Al-bronze, yield strength at room temperature: ~400 MPa
CD2 Magnetic Design Imax = 20 kA; 9 T bore field, 73% on loadline at 4.2 K. ISS for steel pads at 4.2 K is 27 kA, 11.5 T bore field. For iron pad: 10 T, 80% on loadline at 4.2 K. Jc(B, 4.2 K) Imax limited by test station. Cable is oversize for a 2-layer magnet.
CD2 Mechanical Design Former azimutal stress under Lorentz force Cond. azimutal stress under Lorentz force Cond. radial displ. under Lorentz force All values remain low due to power-converter limitation. (To be checked also at short-sample current.)
CD2 in MDP 15-T Layers 3&4 BSS = 15.4 T (Iss = 12.8 kA) at 4.2 K . BSS = 16.8 T (Iss = 14.1 kA) A at 1.9 K. Field quality not optimized (140 units b3), peak field on midplane.
First Planning
Fabrication Risks CD1: CD2: lack of experience of PSI team scheduling of coil-manufacturing operations (capabilities at PSI, resources at LBNL or CERN) CD2: windability winding tests with 15-T IL cable asap former manufacturing
Conclusion and Next Steps 2-D design mostly finished. Pad material to be decided. 3-D periodic mechanical models ready for use. 3-D full model under preparation in collaboration with Lucas Brouwer (LBNL). Former manufacturing process-development started with IWS Fraunhofer institute, Dresden, Germany. Next steps: Conceptual Design Review. CD1 technical design. Short mechanical model. CD1-coil impregnation & reaction tests. CD2-coil winding tests. CD2 conductor order. …