OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Anything concerned with the production, storage and delivery of goods SLIDE 1
WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? Procedures must be established which control and direct what is done, whom it is done by and when Access to raw materials, machines and workers does not guarantee that you will obtain the outcomes you require – organisation is essential SLIDE 1
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - DESCRIPTION Concerned with the way organisations produce goods and services It shows the way in which a company transforms resources into goods and services Core Activity of the organisation as it actually produces the goods or services that the company sells OUTPUTS (GOODS AND SERVICES) INPUTS (RESOURCES) PROCESS SLIDE 1
OPERATIONS Name given to the process of transforming inputs into finished goods An organisation’s product is the goods or services it supplies to customers The goods and services must meet the needs of the customers To fulfil these needs the producer must use market research to find out what the customer wants SLIDE 1
OPERATING SYSTEMS All operating systems have three distinct phases INPUTS PROCESS OUTPUT Raw Materials Using different The actual + amounts of different goods or Labour resources in order to services for produce a different sale end product SLIDE 1
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Broken into key areas Planning Production Purchasing Warehousing and storage Distribution/logistics Each will interact with the other functional areas of the business – Human Resources for staff, Marketing for information on what the consumer wants, Finance for the cost of their materials SLIDE 1
PRODUCTION PLANNING Successful planning is essential to the success of operations management and for the organisation to achieve its objectives Need to create a production system that will most efficiently produce the goods for output Production should be at a constant level (the exact number of workers required, the materials to be used and the number and type of machinery will be known in advance SLIDE 1
Ideal production planning Production Level & Maximum Output OUTPUT WEEKS 1 -10 Ideally production should be at a constant level at the maximum it can produce. The exact number of workers required, the materials used and the type of machinery will be known in advance SLIDE 1
Reality OUTPUT Maximum Output Production Level Weeks SLIDE 1
REALITY Production is more likely to vary over time because of changes in consumer demand Staff shortages Machine breakdown Machine maintenance Need to have a flexible production system SLIDE 1