mariko & Megan do Bright Spots RISE mariko & Megan do Bright Spots
Where we started RISE is a newly merged agency – less than 4 years old SARP + NCWS had 65 years of experience but little sophistication in fundraising systems
Bright Spots: All individual donors, big and small Year End Appeal Bright Spots: All individual donors, big and small New & stand-out accomplishments Variable printing Printing house & mailing service Limitations Evaluation lacking Going forward Implement evaluation Implement segmentation to target and evaluate efforts around new, lapsed, increasing, and repeat donors
Donor appreciation luncheon Bright Spots: Major Gifts, Board Members New & stand-out accomplishments First donor appreciation event since merger Guests enjoyed the event, good annual event to get started Limitations External Committee wasn’t on the same page as us Going forward Participate in all External Committee meetings Support External Committee in “change of hearts and minds” and hold a retreat with them Fundraising culture Culture of philanthropy
Fundraising the RISE way We RESPECT our donors and their commitments to RISE—their invested time, money, energy, and emotion—because our donors are activists, invaluable to our mission of ending violence and creating peace. We strive to INSPIRE our donors with meaningful content sharing about RISE, our clients, and the movement to end gender-based violence. We SUPPORT donors in getting involved in ways that are exciting and meaningful for them, and thank them with authentic appreciation. We EMPOWER donors to be ambassadors to their communities, bringing our message and mission.
A!A!A! (Activating advocates/activists) Bright Spots: Community members who want to fundraise New & stand-out accomplishments Walk a Mile Celebrity Walkers & general community members Streamlining online fundraising with our donor database and website Offering more technical support & user guides Surpassing expected goals Limitations Software challenges, teams don’t function well …We will have more insight after events wrap… Going forward Implement for Wine Women & Shoes Sole Men Implement for YEA/Giving Tuesday Systems for reaching out to fundraisers before, during, and after campaigns
Mariko & megan: Final thoughts We have now been in our positions for over a year We got title bumps!!! The times they are a changing ED is leaving Potential for another merger with a DV organization with a large budget but no sophisticated systems Walk a Mile isn’t over yet… Will have to evaluate our results This year we’ve surpassed all of our fundraising goals!!! We are both perfectionists who get overwhelmed with lots of great ideas we want to implement. But we need to remind ourselves and each other to be kind to ourselves, slow down, and appreciate all that we’ve accomplished!