BUT FIRST…. WHAT IS A GROWTH MINDSET?? The truth about math! BUT FIRST…. WHAT IS A GROWTH MINDSET?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUWn_TJTrnU
1. Everyone can learn math to the HIGHEST level Believe in yourself! (because I believe in you!) There is no such thing as a “math” person Anyone can reach the highest level they want to with HARD WORK!!
2. Mistakes are VALUABLE! WAIT... WHAT?! Yes!!! Mistakes grow your brain! Its GOOD to struggle and make mistakes!
3. Questions are REALLY important! Always ask questions, and always answer questions! Ask yourself: Why or how does that make sense?
4. Math is about creativity and making sense! Math is really about visualizing (seeing) patterns Create a path to get to your solution! Discuss it and make sense of it!
5. Math is about connecting and communicating Math is a connected subject! (each grade connects to the next) Its also a form of communication! You can represent math in different forms like: Words (five hundred sixty seven and 4 tenths) Pictures Graphs Equations And they are all linked to each other! COLOR CODE!!!
6. Depth is much more important than SPEED!!!! The top mathematicians in the world think SLOWLY AND DEEPLY SO DON’T RUSH!!!
7. Math class is about LEARNING not performing!! Math is a growth subject It takes time to learn it! Its ALL about effort!!!!
You can do it! Think positively! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMJMQy-Rgw8
All About Me Puzzle! Will be given out today Due on Friday