Introduction to P-GRADE Portal hands-on Miklos Kozlovszky MTA SZTAKI
Open the tutorial sheets on your desktop Infrastructure MyProxy name: GILDA:budapest see-grid: budapestsg MyProxy password: GILDA:….. see-grid: …. Client machines P-GRADE Portal (SZTAKI, Budapest) based on v2.7 GILDA MyProxy server Proxy Proxy download gLite GILDA Grid services Miklos Kozlovszky – Biomed Grid School ‘09 10-15 May 2009, Varenna, Italy
Exercise 1 Import and execute a pre-defined application Traffic simulation Generates the road network map of Manchester Put traffic lights and cars on the map. Simulate road traffic. Compares and visualizes the density of cars Miklos Kozlovszky – Biomed Grid School ‘09 10-15 May 2009, Varenna, Italy
Exercise 2 Create a matrix multiplication workflow (one job workflow) Job executable: C code, compiled on GILDA UI Expects command line parameters: M V Knows nothing about the grid Job input/output files: Program reads matrixes from two files called INPUT1 and INPUT2 Program writes result matrix into file called OUTPUT Local execution on a PC: ./multiply M V Task: Execute the program on EGEE, transfer input and output files in Sandboxes from the client INPUT1 INPUT2 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 5 2 7 6 7 9 3 8 2 binary 3 3 25 35 29 14 17 18 42 51 54 OUTPUT Miklos Kozlovszky – Biomed Grid School ‘09 10-15 May 2009, Varenna, Italy
Further Exercises Create a matrix multiplication workflow Multi-job workflow Create and submit a bioperl based application Single job workflow Create and submit a java based application Miklos Kozlovszky – Biomed Grid School ‘09 10-15 May 2009, Varenna, Italy
Proxy download information (login to GILDA): Accounts Login to Portal: Portal accounts: user01 – user40 use your number Portal passwords: Proxy download information (login to GILDA): Hostname: Port: 7512 Account for GILDA: budapest Account for SEE-GRID: budapestsg Password:… No need to wait for jobs to finish – proceed to next exercise Miklos Kozlovszky – Biomed Grid School ‘09 10-15 May 2009, Varenna, Italy
Job level fault tolerance Tips Exclude erroneous sites from the brokering process: Open the JDL editor of the job Write other.GlueCEInfoHostname != “hostname” into the “Ranks & requirements” window Automatic job resubmission: Add ShallowRetryCount = 3 into JDL Miklos Kozlovszky – Biomed Grid School ‘09 10-15 May 2009, Varenna, Italy
To become a user of P-GRADE/gUSE Portals Become user of EGEE if you are still not.. P-GRADE Portal Select a portal installation & request account: Portal installations Miklos Kozlovszky – Biomed Grid School ‘09 10-15 May 2009, Varenna, Italy
Miklos Kozlovszky Thank you Miklos Kozlovszky