FRIDAY, SEP 8 Use the following five words in ONE worthwhile sentence: Exchange Columbus Immunity Advantages Global
Objectives Big Question: What made people come to the North America to stay? Triangle Trade and the Middle Passage Review Activity Slave ship journal entry FORMATIVE QUIZ Chapter 2 Jamestown Push and Pull Factors
Falconbridge Journal Account YOUR TASK: Read the journal entry, and then respond to these four questions on the back. Choose the top 5 horrible things Slaves had to deal with on the journey. To what extent is it moral to be the beneficiary of slave labor? How did the Europeans acquire slaves once they landed in Africa? Do you think you would have survived the journey across the ocean? Why or why not?
Triangle Trade Review Game Put together a diagram of the Triangle Trade using all the pieces
Formative Time for the first quiz!! Log in to the website Room #1365
What’s Next? Now that the Old World and New World were connected, PEOPLE started coming to stay What would MOTIVATE you to immigrate to the New World in the 1600s?
Think about your choice to come to Renaissance… <Push and Pull> Think about your choice to come to Renaissance… Was your motivation a PUSH factor (something pushing you away from a traditional school) or was it a PULL factor (something Renaissance has to offer that pulled you in)? Explain.
MASSACHUSETTES BAY Jamestown Make Predictions So, who decided to come and stay? Compare and contrast these two photos of colonial life. Are the people different? Clothing? Environment? Mood? MASSACHUSETTES BAY Jamestown
The First, Successful, English Colony Jamestown The First, Successful, English Colony Start at 35 seconds
JAMESTOWN Why here? WHO: Single men from the “Virginia Company” Find gold (…NONE!) Find NW passage (…Not there!) Find Roanoke (MIA) WHO: Single men from the “Virginia Company” WHAT: first, successful, English colony… Looking for GOLD!! WHERE: Settled on James River off of Chesapeake Bay, Virginia WHEN: 1607, 1st colony Why here?
WHY did these men come to Jamestown? (Push or Pull?)
What can we tell about the settlement from the fort? Why build a fort? What can we tell about the settlement from the fort?
JAMESTOWN Hardships People Success Swamps and Malaria No gold (didn’t plant crops) so entered the STARVING TIME Powhatan Indians John Smith: “He that will not work shall not eat.” The real Pocahontas? John Rolfe: Tobacco
JAMESTOWN Hardships People Success Swamps and Malaria No gold (didn’t plant crops) so entered the STARVING TIME Powhatan Indians John Smith: “He that will not work shall not eat.” The real Pocahontas? John Rolfe: Tobacco Leadership Tobacco was the “gold” that made it successful
VIDEO “America the Story of Us” Episode 1 First 15 minutes Watch this clip about the beginnings of the Jamestown colony Look for: What ultimately led to Jamestown’s success?? Who was the second group of people to come over? In what ways was the second group different?
The Second, Successful, English Colony MASSACHUSETTS BAY The Second, Successful, English Colony
Mayflower Think about it… Why would Puritan settlers want to come to the New World? Explain the CONTEXT. Mayflower
MASSACHUSETTS BAY Hardships People Success Landed much farther north than anticipated Bad Timing- beginning of winter Wampanoag Indians Puritans Families Variety of job skills Variety of settlers (families, carpenters etc.) Worked together Mayflower Compact Got help from Native Americans
3-2-1 Closure 3 hardships Jamestown had 2 important Jamestown people 1 reason Jamestown was successful