Promoting Culture Filippos Kolovos University of Macedonia,Library


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting Culture Filippos Kolovos University of Macedonia,Library Thessaloniki, Greece PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE: Overall Aim To create a generalized infrastructure for managed digital cultural domains which will be exploitable as both a personal and a community space. PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

COINE: Specific Objectives The research of the requirements of different groups and individuals for managed digital spaces for cultural purposes. The development of a software infrastructure and a toolkit of software tools for such domains to be created, populated and maintained. The validation and testing of the package in a number of challenging environments The development of a realizable exploitation plan. PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

COINE Workplan WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP7 WP6 March 2002 August 2004 WP1: Project Management WP2: Concertation and Dissemination WP3: User Requirements WP4: Specification and Design WP5: System Build WP6: Demonstration Trials WP7: Exploitation Preparation PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE Workplan WP3: User requirements State of the Art Review of the technologies that could contribute to COINE Interpretation of these technologies regarding their impact on COINE (e.g. the way they may affect its performance, scalability, robustness, connectivity, etc) Determine the User Requirements (via appropriate consultations with the end-users) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE Workplan To report the contexts in which the COINE System will operate: Organizational Legal IPR Data Protection etc Economic Key issues from cultural contexts Links which exist between cultural agencies across Europe Establish Contacts with cultural agencies across Europe PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece WP 3 – User Requirements Task 3.1 – Analysis of Systems and standards Task 3.2 – Organizational Contexts Task 3.3 – Legal Environment Task 3.4 – Economic Contexts Task 3.5 – Cultural Contexts Task 3.6 – Analysis of end-user requirements Task 3.7 – Multilingual Aspects PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.1 – Analysis of Systems and Standards Report on the State of the Art of the technologies that could contribute to COINE Interpretation of these technologies regarding their impact on COINE Impact on performance Impact on scalability, etc PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Purpose Define a common terminology to use Levels of the COINE Domains User Institution Agency Potential extra functionality and optional facilities to the Users PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Purpose (…continued) Provide an analysis of the organizational contexts in which the COINE System will operate: Selection, Management, Form of the Users’ material PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes Terminology 11 Terms were suggested to be used within and beyond the Consortium Goal: To resolve any ambiguities when referring to the various parts of COINE Narratives Objects (images, audio and video tapes, etc) Publication (uploading of Narratives onto the System) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) COINE Domain Levels User Level Each User would be able to create a Domain Under the same framework, he/she could interconnect with other Domains (at any level) forming the COINE Network PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Disadvantages: Individuals running Domains brings up problems: Keeping Long term commitments Metadata standards usage and creation No content control Someone Publishes extremist views and / or indecent material PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Institution Level A cultural institution is responsible for running the System and the COINE Domain The institution is responsible for: The collection Digitization Preservation and any other Publication processes of the Users’ Narratives User registration with the institution is required PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Central-Agency level A central agency is responsible to run the COINE software on behalf of several cultural institutions Forms a central Domain to which several institutions are connected The digitization and the creation of Narratives takes place at the institutions They are exported to the agency, in a recognized file format. PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) The Central Agency provides the institutions with appropriate advice and guidelines concerning: IPR Content selection control Description and digitization procedures Additional services to system hosting (e.g. Material Processing) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Institution Level seems the most appropriate Easier to implement Easier to assist Narrative Creation and Description Permits long-term commitment Individual User level Too narrow in scope (among other factors) Central-Agency level Too broad in scope (including the increased complexity in communicating the Narratives & Objects) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) The Search-Only User Differs from the registered Users Uses the COINE System only for research purposes Not for Publishing and/or creating Narratives No registration or authorization takes place Uses the System on the Domain through a default interface The User does not have the same privileges as a registered User PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Criteria and procedures for content selection Content selection policies should be defined Each COINE Owner should be responsible for the policy definition Alone In cooperation with other Owners PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.2 Organizational Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Specification of a range of formats for the digitization of the Users’ Objects images, sound and video Management of the Users’ cultural collections enrichment, maintenance and preservation Provision of additional facilities to the Users Ordering functionality, newsletter alerting and subscription to COINE discussion groups PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.3 – Legal Environment Purpose To provide an analysis of the legal issues Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Data protection Other relevant issues in each member-country of the Consortium The work was carried out by all participants, according to their national contexts PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.3 – Legal Environment Outcomes Each member country provided information concerning their national legislation The issues provided included: Data protection acts Legislation concerning Information Technology The copyright law and how it protects the intellectual property rights PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.3 – Legal Environment Outcomes (…continued) COINE legal issues Issues relating to the way that each partner should protect its Users material, according to their national law Protection of minor Users (i.e. pupils) Signing of license agreements The Manchester Metropolitan University provided information concerning the legislation about copyright and data protection in the European Community PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.4 Economic Contexts Purpose To provide an analysis of the economic context of the COINE User Domains To specify an appropriate e-business model for COINE E-business models were the primary focus PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.4 Economic Contexts Outcomes Definition of an E-business model State-of-the-art Review in business modeling Two other models were proposed The Public Service model The Educational model PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.4 Economic Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Description of work accomplished by other European projects, which developed relevant models Selection of Business Models appropriate for cultural heritage PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.4 Economic Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Other issues economically related to COINE were discussed Employment perspectives of COINE Discussion around the genealogy sector Selection of Business Models appropriate for COINE Based on the models chosen for cultural heritage Flexibility in implementation dominated the selection process PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.5 Cultural Contexts Purpose To establish contacts with cultural organizations To capture the requirements of the local cultures local history language social contexts, etc. Provision of “scenarios of use” by each partner for every user To provide a report on the above contexts PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.5 Cultural Contexts Outcomes Scenarios Of Use: Each scenario concerned a specific User The aim was to “describe” the User in the best possible way Provision of a list with the IT abilities of the User Provision with information on the resources that are required to participate in COINE Provision of some copyright information about each User’s Objects PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.5 Cultural Contexts Outcomes (…continued) A report concerning the wide variety of bodies that encourage and enable the cultural inter-relationships over the World Wide Web Organizations, initiatives and other national & European projects MMU & UM provided information about several European initiatives PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.5 Cultural Contexts Outcomes (…continued) Each partner provided information: About any other cultural activities Taking place place in their own country and/or To projects in which their country is involved as a participant About any national cultural portals PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Purpose The analysis of the end-user requirements The work was based upon the “scenarios of use”, developed during Task 3.5 The definition of the User target groups The clarification of the end-User requirements, Narrative templates Metadata Genealogical access User accessibility to the System PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes Two Reports The first report was greatly based on the User scenarios. It defined: The User target groups of the System Ranged from Individuals to cultural groups and organizations The kinds of Objects provided by each group From handwritten texts and manuscripts to digital photographs, music and video. PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) The definition of the User requirements Narrative Publication and Local Context Requirements Technical Abilities Requirements Copyright and Security Requirements Digitization Requirements. PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) The Narrative Publication and Local Context Requirements System functionality The way that the Users would use the System in order to search and retrieve Narratives Definition of a Narrative template Publication processes PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece Narrative Template Title: Creator: Subject: Publisher: Date of Creation: Identifier: Version: Language: Schema: Relation: Is Version Of: Coverage: Spatial: Temporal: Copyright:   BEGIN Narrative    Text Text Text Text Text Text Text <textual-link> Text Text Text <textual-link> Text Text Text Text Text Text <Object> <Object-Link> <Object-Link> <Object> <Object-Link> <Object> Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text <textual-link> Text Text Text  <Object> END Narrative Metadata Area Narrative Area PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) Discussion concerning the ability of the System to support language locality and vocabulary control Analysis of metadata issues Provision of a general definition about metadata Definition of a metadata element set for COINE The qualified Dublin Core seemed the most appropriate (initially) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) Inclusion of genealogical database access functionality (briefly analysed) Content management control Definition of Control policies Content selection policies should be defined on a local basis PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) The Technical Abilities Requirements Familiarization of the Users with the COINE environment Ways to strengthen the participation of Users in the Publication, digitization and preservation of their Objects and Narratives System Accessibility Internet, WWW and ordinary Web Browsers PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) The Copyright and Security Requirements Legal and physical protection of the Users’ Objects and Narratives Creation of license agreements Specification of the level of exposure of the various Objects Concealment of the real name of a minor author Watermarking PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) The Digitization Requirements Hardware and software requirements for the digitization of the Users’ Objects. image requirements (2 subcategories HW/SW) audio requirements (2 subcategories HW/SW) video requirements (2 subcategories HW/SW) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.6 Analysis of End-User Requirements-Outcomes (…continued) The second report contained a small guide to digitization The Users could use this guide to aid the digitization of their Objects. Consituted of 3 sections: image audio video PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.7 Multilingual Aspects Purpose To provide the approaches, methods, tools and efforts relevant to the subject of multilingual information access and retrieval The focus was on the use of thesauri PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.7 Multilingual Aspects Outcomes Introductory Description of a new area: Multilingual Information Access (MLIA) Explores ways to access information in any language and is able to retrieve information across languages Discussion of the issues of monolingual and multilingual retrieval Discussion of the main approaches to the subject of multilingual retrieval: Retrieval based on machine translation Knowledge-based retrieval Corpus-based retrieval PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.7 Multilingual Aspects Outcomes (…continued) Report on the resources that provide efficient results for the MLIA Tools applications that perform functions required in MLIA Language resources linguistic resources, used in MLIA for the extraction of necessary information) Examples of both categories were given PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Task 3.7 Multilingual Aspects Outcomes (…continued) The COINE system is culture related Special emphasis was given on specific areas Art History Heritage PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

COINE – Application Scenarios A Town's History (ENNIS) – Ireland The History Center of Thessaloniki – Greece LLETRA (Virtual Space for Catalan literature) – Spain PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Scenario 1: Activities of a secondary education school of Thessaloniki PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Scenario 1: Activities of a secondary education school of Thessaloniki PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Scenario 1: Activities of a secondary education school of Thessaloniki PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Scenario 2: Activities of a primary school in Ambleside PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

Activities of a primary school in Ambleside PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE Workplan WP4: Specification and Design The user requirements analysis provided input for this task. It consisted of a detailed functional specification and architecture design, which will form the baselines for the software development PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE Workplan WP5: System Build It draws a series of application issues such as: search facilities publishing environment user interface toolkit of techniques and advice for setting up a COINE domain PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

COINE – Technical Approach A Publishing Platform To provide the functionality for creating digital archives A Resource Access Platform To provide access to digital archives PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

COINE Publishing Platform PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE Access Platform PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE Workplan WP6: Demonstration Trials Implementation and trials across different countries Provision of the software, supporting documentation and short training Documentation to define the scope and the end-users of the experiment Extensive period of use of the system and a series of formal evaluations (in a structured manner) Period of object and metadata capture and creation Technical and end-user evaluations Interoperation with domains PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE Workplan WP7: Exploitation Preparation Market research and testing within the demonstration environments More formal approach: Competitor analysis Technology profiling PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE - Partners Co-ordinator -Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) Technical Partners -Fretwell & Downing Informatics Ltd (Sheffield) -The National Microelectronics Applications Centre Ltd (Limerick) Demonstrator Partners -The Armitt Museum and Library (Ambleside) - eircom Ennis Information Age Town ( Ireland) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

COINE – Partners (…continued) Demonstrator Partners (…continued) -Open University of Catalunya (Barcelona) -University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki) -Jagellonian University (Krakow) PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece

PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece COINE – Web Site PULMAN Training Wrokshop, 12-16 April 2003, Veria, Greece