Boisterous Loud, Noisy, Exuberant, Rowdy
Civic Relating to a citizen, city, or community affairs Public “The Greater Good”
Jovial Good natured, jolly, happy
Defiance Resistance or rebelliousness
Perfunctory Characterized by routine Lacking interest and enthusiasm
Adjectives (Round 2) To help you find adjectives, think of them categorically. Ask yourself, what “categories” does this word put this “person/place/thing/idea” (noun) in? An Adjective gives you more information about a Noun!
Examples… Shape- circular, square Texture- bumpy, furry, smooth, soft Color- red, blue, gold, black Quantity- one, two, three, four Size- small, tiny, huge Type- intelligent, silent, strong, ugly, handsome, pretty, quiet Degree- great, super,
Articles All articles are adjectives, but not all adjectives are articles. “A” “an” and “the” are the only articles. They are always adjectives. ALWAYS.
Adjective Practice I don’t like my middle name. 1 Adjective: “Middle”
Adjective Practice The dog, Boki, likes to eat rubber slippers for lunch. 2 Adjectives “rubber” “the” (article)
Adjective Practice The circular buildings at my school keep the energetic young students from running away. 5 Adjectives “the” (article) “circular” “energetic” “young”
The Lottery Written by Shirley Jackson Setting: Small town America Grew up in Bennington, Vermont
The Lottery American Gothicism, in the “modern” sense. Appeared in” The New Yorker” June 26 1948
The New Yorker Magazine Culture, politics, essays, and short stories. Publication of “The Lottery” drew more mail than any other in history.
The Lottery The Lottery, EBEC 1969.
Flannery O’Connor 1925-1964 Born in Savannah, Georgia Contemporary of Shirley Jackson
Flannery O’Conner Writes about the decaying South (Gothic Theme) Like Poe, emphasizes the grotesque Reclusive, died young