Perkins Grant Fund applications 2017-2018 Presented by: Glenda Calloway
Carl D. Perkins Grant Each year under Perkins IV, Congress has appropriated more than $1.1 billion dollars for grants to states, including the basic state grants (under Title I) and tech prep grants (under Title II).
9 Required Uses of Perkins Funds Academic/CTE Integration Link to Postsecondary CTE All Aspects of Industry Expand the Use of Technology Provide Professional Development Evaluate Perkins Funded Programs Initiate, Improve, and Expand Quality CTE Programs Sufficient Size, Scope, and Quality Activities for Special Populations
Timeline September: Campus CTE Meeting with CTE Program Specialist October 20: Perkins Requisitions due to Career Readiness Department October 23-31: Career Readiness Department reviews all Requisitions received **(Due to the high volume of applications the review period may be extended) November 9-: Career Readiness Department notifies campuses of approvals/denials November 9-30: Career Readiness Department places order through the procurement department November – December: Campuses start receiving orders. Campus CTE Department Chairperson is required to notify campus front office to expect and receive items. Once the campus receives items, verification of order and/or packing slips must be submitted to Monika Banos at Route 1.
Format for 2017-2018 Applications Each campus CTE administrator will submit one application per campus that may include multiple pathways The campus will need to rank the pathway requests These funds are for items priced over $2500
Previous funding for this pathway (5 years) Magnet funding- per pupil Rubric Changes for 2017-2018 Funding Sources Previous funding for this pathway (5 years) Magnet funding- per pupil Campus’ enrollment assigned to the pathway Industry Partners: internships/work based learning, Financial donations, equipment/materials donations, mentorships, guest speakers, and advisory boards
TEA will have a new format for the Perkins grant application Changes Coming for 2018-2019 TEA will have a new format for the Perkins grant application HISD will require campuses to submit Perkins request in the spring of 2018 Expect changes to the HISD Perkins application
Contact Information Glenda Calloway, CTE Director 713-556-6988 Christal Frelow, Administrative Assistant 713-556-7473 Michael Love, Assistant Superintendent of Career Readiness 713-556-6996 Monika Banos Administrative Assistant
Thank you