M.Jonker CTC-20100601-MPO-WG status
MPO-WG status Small group of people. For many members MP (or even CLIC) is not their main activity. Meetings 16 meetings 19 May – present unfortunately not very regulars
Topics addressed in meetings CLIC layout LHC machine protection LHC BLM system, extrapolated for CLIC Beam Dynamics, faults studies RF Structures, faults and operational aspects MDI implications Implication for and from damping rings. Radiation levels in CLIC main tunnel Safe Beam generation Power Converter implications BLM specifications Rehearsals of presentations, follow up IPAC, CDR
Produced CLIC ACE CLIC seminar Radiation levels in CLIC main tunnel BLM specification requirements Powering implications (availability, Mp issues) Studies for magnet powering TE-MPE seminar IPAC’10 papers
Future topics Opportunities in CTF3 for testing Machine Protection and Operations Inventory of available equipment (problem detection) Inventory of possible intensity ramp-up procedures. Requirements for kicker protections Masks for protecting septa DR extraction, combiner rings, DB turn-around Effects on radiation on electronic equipment MP implications from DB linac Follow up of Damping ring implications (emittance control) Follow up of RF structures implications (Switching procedures) Follow up of Beam Dynamics implications Implications of MP on beam steering (feedback, alignment, …) Collimator protection Fault analysis Operational availability …
CTC work packages definitions WP Name WP description CLIC linkperson CLIC-CTC-MPE CLIC Machine Protection and Electrical Integrity studies M.Jonker tasks deliverable time span collaboration (established or potential) overall proposal of a CLIC MP scenario based on pulse to pulse permit and passive protection engineering study 2009-2010 detailed specifications based on computer simulations for MPS subsystems (controls, PC, BI, kickers, dumps… detailed specifications 2011 prototyping of MPS equipment, radiation qualification of components 2011-2014 CTF3-MPE CTF3 Machine Protection and Electrical Integrity tasks Deliverable time span collaboration implementation of a scaled down CLIC MPS in CTF3 and validation of general principles prototyping of CLIC BLMs in CLEX qualified prototypes
Machine protection in other work packages TE-ABT: specification of masks to protect against kicker failures. Internal emergency dumps EN-STI Implementation and materials for protective masks and internal dumps
Staffing Fellow (Candidate: Carlos Maidana) Collaborator in TE-MPE-MI People participating in MPWG are not fully implicated in MP (or CLIC). Need a larger core of people working on MP issues Other members Fellow (Candidate: Carlos Maidana) Discussion with candidate (Rudiger Schmidt, Daniel Schulte, Michael Jonker) on 8th or 17th of June Simulation of failure scenarios, operational procedures Collaborator in TE-MPE-MI Prototype for machine protection in CTF3 Will initially work with Bruno Puccio on LHC issues Prepare work for CTF3 To be followed up BLM for CLIC (M.Sapinski will start on a different job) Radiation issues (S.Mallow T.Otto)
MP Workshop Machine Protection and Operations workshop Duration: Three days. Date: October Linked to the (i.e. before) ILC-CLIC workshop? Objectives: Review the CDR and program up to the TDR Participants from: Beam dynamics experts Structures experts Kickers and beam transfer experts Detector interface experts Interlock and controls experts Instrumentation Collimators and material experts Institutes: CLIC, ILC, Light sources, Desy, LHC Program Parameters of CLIC Protection issues Interlock systems Operational aspects Topics: Fault studies Fast failures Equipment failures Slow drifts Risk analysis Requirements for fixed masks (in flight protection) Interlock systems Safe by construction Post Pulse analysis Beam Loss detection Fault Detection and instrumentation Material Damage Operational procedures Fast emittance control MP with beam based feedback Availability issues