Stunning Start American president game Science National Curriculum


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Presentation transcript:

Stunning Start American president game Science National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics Using classification systems and keys Direct observation of animals in various habitats Classification of observed animals Find out about the work of Carl Linnaeus Research unfamiliar plants and animals from America and decide where they belong in the classification system Geo Active assessment tasks throughout the term. PSHE Relationships (managing friends, peer pressure) Anti-bullying Reading Powerful poetry Song/rap lyrics Huckleberry Finn John Henry Coming to America RE Buddhism Christianity Trips/Visitors Seashore safari (Classification of Living Things) Highsted (TBC) Creams Marvellous Middle Poetry/rap performance and parent assembly The history of slavery, influential Americans, current politics and flora & fauna. Literacy National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Plan their writing, considering audience and purpose Draft, write, perform their own compositions Proofread and edit Political debates Analyse rap and performance poetry (incl. Muhammed Ali’s poetry) and study a range of poetic devices Perform our own poetry/rap at parents assembly His Mus Big Write Activities: Poetry (performance poetry/rap) Newspaper article Fantastic Finish Cook American food on campfire

Geography & History Art Computing Maths Music DT National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Locate world’s countries Understand geographical similarities and differences of a UK and US region Study an aspect of British history beyond 1066 Study North and South America, using atlases Identify similarities and differences between Sonrisa and our local area (Thomson activity) Study British colonisation of the Americas Lit Sci Geo Ongoing, class based assessment Art National Curriculum Suggested Activities Link Assessment Create sketch books to record observations and use them to review and revisit ideas. Improve mastery of art and design techniques Art will be taught by Miss Ibrahim on Thursday afternoons Self/peer assessment Computing National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Assessment Select, use and combine a variety of software Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Use Google Earth Use a Makey Makey to make own controller eSafety assemblies Geo Peer-evaluation, using the specified success criteria Maths National Curriculum Suggested Activities Assessment Revision of all topics: Number Ratio and proportion Algebra Measurement Geometry Statistics Using formal written methods to support all four operations Mathematical problem solving Planning and budgeting a holiday to America Times tables tests (weekly) Arithmetic paper (weekly) Ongoing class based assessment Practise SATS papers Music National Curriculum Suggested Activities Link Assessment Create sketch books to record observations and use them to review and revisit ideas. Improve mastery of art and design techniques Learn a spiritual slavery song Analyse songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s. Create own rap Geo Lit Self/peer assessment DT National Curriculum Suggested Activities Links Cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Understand seasonality Prepare and cook a variety of American savoury dishes Geo