Acceptance criteria for cleanroom infrastructure Acceptance levels for clean rooms are defined in status as build – in operation – in production – (Set up of cleanroom acceptance criteria above norms needed? ) A.Matheisen DESY TTC Topical Workshop on SRF Cryomodule Clean Room Assembly CEA Saclay, 12th november 2014
Acceptance criteria for cleanroom infrastructure as build Set up of Cleanrooms done by good company with very good results in respect to air quality and flow speed (according to norms) Filter fan units are standard and work reliable if are done by a reasonable Companies Cleanroom air and air conditioning technique is standard today. Our experience at DESY and at Cavity manufacturers show that this is very stable and reliable Customer only has to define his needs properly before contracting Mostly no problem to pass QC standard of as build
Acceptance criteria for cleanroom infrastructure in operation Test to be done for qualification of cleanroom an correct flow setting “in operation” (part of contract) No infrastructure that was not contracted should be in Test is covered in norms . Companies use flow controllers and particle counters to ensure ISO quality and air speed Is this enough? No particle concentration and flow seed are tested 30 cm below sealing we work at 1m above floor !! Leak check of FFU Control of flow velocity
Acceptance criteria for cleanroom infrastructure in operation cont. For module assembly we need to know what is on going at assembly heights of 60-100cm above floor in addition to ISO 14644 We need flow speed 0,35 m/sec - particles as ISO 4 - laminar vertical flow at point of use (Film 1) In addition to norm settings of air low (laminar) are tested at DESY by Fog generators (ISO 4 to 5) fro acceptance of cleanroom In Operation only accepted at DESY when flow is set properly (Film 2)
Acceptance criteria for cleanroom infrastructure in operation cont. Experiences at DESY Flow direction changes when infrastructure is in Acceptance in production After all hardware and equipment is inside the cleanroom and additional checks are made. Influence of hardware and its design (origin of turbulences) is controlled. (film 4-6) QVC for design set up of assembly instructions set up of rules for personnel Only hardware is checked at point of use - No man power working at place during this activities. Normally not contracted but recommended
Acceptance criteria for cleanroom infrastructure at DESY Summary Summary level as build and in operation are normally met by contracted companies (It´s standard technique today) For our special application we should ask for additional test´s (Visualization and meet criteria at height of work During in operation at several cleanrooms special problems were found at rails and exhausting areas of circulating air!! Only 30-50cm below sealing laminar flow is ok Curtains to split ISO areas work out ok Flow speed at 1 m has to be defined before contract FFU´s and recirculation canals are at the limit if “only” norm is applied )