An Infrared Look at Waterside Plaza: Taken Evening of April 23, 200 43˚F
AN INFRARED LOOK AT AN INEFFICIENT BUILDING Photos of 10 Waterside from 30 Waterside through an open window. Note pink walls and white window which are highest temperature on the scale. A well sealed building would have green or blue walls. The outside temperature was 43 degrees. Note thermal scale on right side of photo. This photo was taken April 23, 2008. Please note that the time set on the camera was Pacific time, not New York. The photos were actually taken 3 hours later than the time stamp.
HEAT LOSS ON ROOF DUE TO PASSIVE VENTING SYSTEMS Photos of 40 Waterside roof from 30 Waterside through an open window. This photo was taken April 23, 2008. Please note that the time set on the camera was Pacific time, not New York. The photos were actually taken 3 hours later than the time stamp. Note thermal scale on right side of photo.
THE STACK EFFECT AND HEAT LOSS AROUND FRAMES Photos of 40 Waterside top floors from 30 Waterside through an open window. This photo was taken April 23, 2008. Please note that the time set on the camera was Pacific time, not New York. The photos were actually taken 3 hours later than the time stamp. Note thermal scale on right side of photo.
HEAT LOSS -- NO ROOF INSULATION Photos of Waterside Townhouse roofs from 30 Waterside through an open window. Note also heat loss through bulkhead or building structure. This photo was taken April 23, 2008. Please note that the time set on the camera was Pacific time, not New York. The photos were actually taken 3 hours later than the time stamp. Note thermal scale on right side of photo.
HEAT LOSS ON WINDOW FRAMES, ENVELOPE & BULKHEAD Photos of 40 Waterside top floors from 30 Waterside through an open window. This photo was taken April 23, 2008. Please note that the time set on the camera was Pacific time, not New York. The photos were actually taken 3 hours later than the time stamp. Note thermal scale on right side of photo.
AN INFRARED LOOK AT AN INEFFICIENT BUILDING Photos of 10 Waterside from 30 Waterside through an open window. Note pink walls and white window which are highest temperature on the scale. A well sealed building would have green or blue walls. The outside temperature was 43 degrees. Note thermal scale on right side of photo. This photo was taken April 23, 2008. Please note that the time set on the camera was Pacific time, not New York. The photos were actually taken 3 hours later than the time stamp.