Reporting and Recording College Delivered Dual Credits using PowerSchool October 2016
Goals Seamless Transition to Post-secondary Increase Completion of OSSDs
Target Groups for Dual Credit Programs
2014-15 Dual Credit Program Provincial Results Number of Participants: 19,958 % of Seats Filled: 92% Retention: 89% Success: 91%
Dual Credit Approaches Secondary School College Campus College Course Team-taught and Level 1 with College Oversight Team-taught Level 1 Apprenticeship College-delivered College Course College-delivered Level 1 Apprenticeship
Who Needs to be Involved in Your Board? Board SMS Lead Board OnSIS Lead Guidance Counsellors and School Support Staff Board OYAP Coordinator Board Dual Credit/ SCWI Lead Board Regional Planning Team Representative
Key documents
College-delivered dual credits Students take a college course or Level 1 apprenticeship (OYAP) program delivered by a college professor. Credit is recorded on the college record using college course codes Credit is also recorded on the OST using a special dual credit course code assigned by the Ministry of Education. (Dual Credit Policy p.7)
College-delivered dual credits Maximum of 4 can count as optional credits towards the OSSD Cannot be used as substitution for compulsory courses. External music credits are included in the 4 credit maximum (Dual Credit Policy p. 8)
College-delivered dual credits If a student earns more than 4, only 4 will show on the OST; all will show on the provincial report card. The process is outlined on page 12 of the OST manual
College-delivered dual credits Assessment and evaluation are the responsibility of the college instructor Growing Success does not apply (Dual Credit Policy p. 19)
College-delivered dual credits Codes end with “4T” for college courses, “4Y” for level 1 apprenticeship (OYAP) Be sure to select the right college. The same code may be used by more than one college. The passing grade may vary
College-delivered dual credits For college courses, selecting the correct code will ensure that the name of the college, the college course title and the college course code appear correctly on the OST. The correct passing grade will be assigned Students must achieve the passing grade in order to earn a secondary school credit (Dual Credit Policy p. 15) (Dual Credit Policy p. 19)
College-Delivered Dual Credit Course Codes Same Code, Different Colleges College-delivered Dual Credit Course Codes for use in Approved School/College/Work Initiative (SCWI) Programs 2016-2017 Ministry Course Code Credit Value College Course Title College Passing Grade HBB4T 1.00 DURHAM C: Introduction to Psychology – An Applied Science GNED1106 Durham 50 FLEMING C: Introduction to Psychology SOCI36 Fleming GEORGIAN C: Introduction to Psychology PSYL 1001 Georgian MOHAWK C: Introductory Psychology PSYC SS156 Mohawk SAULT C: Introduction to Psychology PSY102 Sault
College-Delivered Dual Credit Course Codes Same Code, Different Passing Grade College-delivered Dual Credit Course Codes for use in Approved School/College/Work Initiative (SCWI) Programs 2016-2017 Ministry Course Code Credit Value College Course Title College Passing Grade IBK4T 1.00 ALGONQUIN C: Computer Applications DAT2004 Algonquin 50 CONESTOGA C: Computer Software Applications COMP1065 Conestoga 55 DURHAM C: Computer Literacy COMP1010 Durham GEORGIAN C: Microcomputer Applications COMP 1003 Georgian SENECA C: Introduction to Computer Applications ICA001 Seneca 70
OST Showing College-delivered College Course Date Year Month Course Grade Course Title Course Code Percentage Grade Credit Compulsory Note 2013 06 12 CONESTOGA C: Basic Camera Theory DMED1370 TGL4T 74 1.00 2014 06 CONESTOGA C: Basic Design B ARTS1010 AEF4T 50 The passing grade for AEF4T at Conestoga is 55%. Since the student did not achieve that grade, he does not receive a credit, even though his mark is above 50%.
The Ontario Student Transcript Manual, 2013 See sample 9, page 36
Adding a college delivered dual credit course
All Dual Credits ending in 4T or 4Y are entered into PowerSchool by Data Services at the COURSE level with the Institution type attached (see Example 1). There may be different institutions offering the same course, so it is imperative that you choose the correct course based on where the student is taking the course, i.e. Mohawk, Fanshawe, etc.
At the SECTION level, the SAS secretary should be using the appropriate course with institution type and entering (under Provincial Information) as follows (see Example 2). Class Type – Regular Delivery Type – Regular
Check for Accuracy Create a test transcript. Make sure that the correct college name appears for college-delivered dual credit courses (XXX4T) If team-taught wasn’t correctly flagged in previous years, it’s possible to go to their historical grades, and put the checkmark on Team Taught Dual Credit Note Flag, which will show the relative course with (Dual Credit) and a T in the notes section of the transcript denoting Team Taught.
Class with No Educator If the school does not have an educator to assign to the course, then under Provincial Information at the Section level, Class Type, External Educator could be used.
Reporting to OnSIS through “Class Enrolment” College-delivered dual credit classes can be created without an educator if necessary Ensures consistency of report card, OST, transmission to OCAS and OUAC Allows tracking of credits earned vs credits attempted Courses count towards student’s FTE
Reporting to OnSIS through “Other Credits” Courses could be missed in transmissions to OCAS Doesn’t generate dual credit teacher funding through the GSN
Reporting to OnSIS through “Other Credits”
Delivery Type
Resources Webinar will be posted on and on Dual Credit Programs 2013 Ontario Student Transcript Manual 2013
Questions? Phil Hedges, Ministry of Education 416-326-5988 Sonja Vandermeer, School College Work Initiative 705-328-4353