Urban planning for sustainable development Macedonian experience Mr. Goce Gruevski Agency for Real Estate Cadastre g.gruevski@katastar.gov.mk Introduction: This is one successful roadmap for establishment of centralised system for storing and maintaining detailed urban plans on national level. Local municipalities are authorised to produce and maintain urban plans for the area where they plan urban development for housing, administrative buildings, schools as well as infrastructure plans. Great challenge was to implement standardised procedures for drawing urban plans in CAD tools and provide centralised tool that will make possible to do the conversion from CAD to GIS format in order to store the urban plan into one central relational spatial database and provide standard GIS functionalities for the professional users as well as for the citizens and increase the transparency in urban planning. Main goal of Graphical Register of Construction Land is transparency, accuracy and efficiency of the planners and municipalities in the process of creation and adoption of the detailed urban plans as well as increased percentage of realization of the construction parcels and increased investments in the constructions of buildings Results: Introduction of wide adopted technical (GIS) standards of the way of creation and keeping the urban plans in the central GIS database Transparent view of the locations where urban plans are in force Overview of the cadastral parcel ownership that creates the construction parcel Overview of the construction land by attributes (purpose, flooring, height…) Overview of construction parcels on state owned land Procedure with actors/participants and deadlines in the formal adoption of the detailed urban plans is supported with the system e-urbanizam The Graphical Register for construction land complements the system e-urbanizam with visualization of the detailed urban plans, making more accurate and transparent view for the planner in the process of drawing the urban plans as well as for the municipality officials in the process of adoption the urban plans. One of the main benefits is to have clear overview of the ownership of the cadastral parcels that constitutes the construction parcel Materials and methods: GRCL keeps historical information of each urban plan: when it was adopted, number of the decision of the municipality council, expiration period… Topological controls GRCL enables graphical intersection of the construction parcels and cadastral parcels at the early stage of creation (drawing) of the urban plan. The Planner in this phase has clear overview of the ownership of the cadastral parcels where the urban plan is located. Standardized template for drawing new urban plan Conclusions: New standardized way of maintaining and keeping all kinds of urban plans is introduced. Users from the municipality got access to a modern GIS system with possibility of real time comparison with cadastral parcel data, making complex GIS analysis and creation of automated reports for the territory of their own municipality. The Government of Republic of Macedonia gained powerful tool for spatial analysis regarding the construction land, attraction of new investments and more efficient decision making based on real data. Free construction parcels: Literature cited .