The Jeffersonian Era 1801-1816 Chapter 10: pages 300-325 James William Madison William Marbury 1801-1816 Chapter 10: pages 300-325 John Marshall
1. A Republican Takes Office Policy: Reduce size of gov’t Reduce federal debt Promote “Laissez faire” Decrease size of Gov’t departments Reduce size of Army Asked congress to repeal whiskey tax Policy: Reconcile party difference Retain the Bank of U.S. Continue to pay off state debts using federal moneys Allows many federalists to keep their government jobs
Chief Justice John Marshall Decides the case: Marbury vs. Madison, 1803 Who? Jefferson argued that Adams wanted Federalists to control the Supreme court. 1800-Adams appoints William Marbury to the Supreme Court, So??? Jefferson told Madison, who was Secretary of State, not to accept Marbury’s appointment What? Chief Justice Marshall Said that law was unconstitutional And that Marbury could not bring his case there Marbury sued the Gov’t, because The Judiciary Act of 1789 said lawsuits against the gov’t should be tried there Result?
What branch of government did this action strengthen? The Supreme Court
2. Control of the Missisippi One million Americans lived between the Appalachian mountains and the Mississippi River Western Farmers relied on the river to ship wheat and corn From the Mississippi River, ocean ships carried produce to other ports along the Atlantic.
Problem: Spain wanted to control New Orleans In 1795, President Washington sent Thomas Pinckney to sign a treaty that allowed American ships to ship their goods down the Mississippi River and store items in New Orleans. = This was known as the Pinckney Treaty
Spain gave Louisiana back to French In the 1790’s Spain gave Louisiana back to French Napoleon has plans to conquer Europe and Build an empire North America What should he do??? Napoleon did not want Jefferson to Use the Port at New Orleans Any longer Should Jefferson Worry?????
Purchase the port of New Orleans
James Monroe to purchase Jefferson sent R. Livingston and James Monroe to purchase just the Port of New Orleans for no more than 10 million dollars. Negotiations went Poorly and Foreign Minister Talleyrand Said: NO!!!! Then a deal for all of Louisiana cost Americans 15 millions dollars What a deal!!!
How was the Louisiana Purchase Constitutional? Does the Constitution state anywhere the power to buy land? Didn’t Thomas Jefferson have the philosophy of a “strict interpretation” of the Constitution? How was this possible?
1. Jefferson stated: That the constitution allowed the president to make treaties. 2. Senate approved the Treaty = The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France’s Napoleon Bonaparte for $15 million . Click for movie
Lewis and Clark Expedition
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Achievements of the Louisiana Purchase
3. Threats From Overseas A bribe paid to Barbary states such as Tripoli to protect American trade ships The practice British Naval ships used to force Americans into military service Banning of trade with a Britain and France in order to have them change their behavior A law that banned trade with all countries. This also hurt N. England merchants Importing or exporting goods in violation of the Embargo Act, sugar, tea, molasses, cotton & tobacco Embargo act failed; but this law allowed the U.S. to trade with all countries but Br. & Fr. Tribute Impressment Embargo Embargo Act Smuggling Non- Intercourse Act
Jefferson Miscalculated American merchants disliked the Embargo Act of 1807. They argued that it would be years before Britain and France actually felt its effect while American trade stagnated. Jefferson Miscalculated
What is OGRABME Spelled Backwards? According to the cartoon, U.S. Government Who does This Represent? Who does This represent? American Merchant What is OGRABME Spelled Backwards? According to the cartoon, what is the effect of the embargo? Do you think this cartoonist Is in favor or against the EMBARGO It stopped American merchants form trading w/Br. The quote “Oh! This cursed OGRABME, indicates not in favor The turtle biting the man holding the barrel, indicates in favor
4. The Road to War
5. The War of 1812 “Madison’s War”- although Madison did not want war The Nation Divided: South & West support the war New Englanders are against Resulted in fighting with British and Native Americans
Treaty of Greenville B. Battle of Tippecanoe C. War Hawks D. Nationalism Americans that called For war against Britain To have pride in one’s country Allowed Americans To claim land in parts Present-day Ohio Conflict that white Settlers celebrate as a Major victory
The War of 1812 Battle of Lake Erie 1813 -Conflict that resulted in victory despite poor preparations- they had no fleet for this battle Capt. Perry was quoted, We have met the enemy and they are ours!
Battle of Thames- American Victory Battle of New Orleans- Andrew Jackson led troops 2 weeks after the War was over- American Victory Hartford Convention- Federalists hated Madison + War Br. Blockade hurt N. Eng. Trade N. England threatens to leave if the war continued Treaty of Ghent- Peace Treaty to end the war
Treaty of Ghent ended the fighting. At the end of the war, the Americans felt a sense of pride.