Our Mississippi: A Curriculum Guide
Let’s look it over Table of Contents Page 2 - Icons Page 3 - Components of each unit Page 4&5 – Lesson Overview
Lesson 1.4 How can we turn this lesson into an opportunity for inquiry?
Unit 1- Upper Mississippi Watershed Water cycle - It is possible that the water in your body was once inside a Tyrannosaurus rex, George Washington, or Mark Twain. What are some other research topics can we find in unit 1?
Units 2 - 5 Divide into groups Brief synopsis of the unit Research topics? How can you share this with your teachers
Arkansas Resources Arkansas State Library http://www.asl.lib.ar.us/ ARGenWeb www.argenweb.net Arkansas State Archives http://archives.arkansas.gov/research/search- records.aspx
More Arkansas Resources Arkansas Secretary of State http://www.sos.arkansas.gov/educational/Page s/default.aspx Arkansas Butler Center for Arkansas Studies https://www.butlercenter.org/ Legiscan: Bring People to the Process https://legiscan.com/AR
Even More Arkansas Resources State Parks of Arkansas https://www.arkansasstateparks.com/ Clinton Presidential Library & Museum https://www.clintonlibrary.gov/ Arkansas Museums by Regions List