McLean Indoor Track and Field 2017-2018
Communication I do most of my communication through email Weekly emails with practice times, race address, and other important information Please email me now if you have not received an email from me! – Subject line: Track
Goals for the Season Encourage athletes to become passionate about running Help athletes develop independence and self-advocacy skills
Independence and Self-Advocacy High schoolers should begin to take responsibility for their academics and athletics. High schoolers should be the primary contact person between a teacher or a coach. Ways for athletes to self-advocate: Ways for parents to help athletes self-advocate Speak to Coach Ney about any problems before asking parents to get involved. Email Coach Ney about absences and interferences with practice/meets. Leave the team area at least an hour before the athlete runs. Speak to your athletes about the weekly family schedule. Encourage athletes to speak up (email or in person) if they have concerns. Resist from emailing Coach Ney – encourage your athletes to take charge of their athletics and talk to them!
Equipment Quality running shoes New every 250-300 miles Team Shoe Night (11/20) @ Road Runner Sports (6-8pm) Team Fundraiser (parents must attend) Pizza, Raffles, and Prizes!! Spikes for races only Running Watch
Practices & Meets Runners must be at ALL practices Monday – Friday 3:30-5:00 pm (except Thursdays) Tutoring is not an excused absence. Continuous appointments are not excused. Injured athletes that expect to run again should still report to practice. Athletes e-mail excused absences to Coach Ney by Sunday at 9:00 pm! This is not a running club! If the coaches want an athlete to run in a meet, you are expected to be able to run in the meet.
Liberty District Meets These races are for all athletes 12/2 @ Episcopal High School (7:30 am) Freshman parent helpers 12/9 @ Episcopal High School (7:30 am) Sophomore parent helpers 1/13 @ TJ Middle School (7:30 AM) Junior parent helpers 1/19 @ TJ Middle School (5:30 PM) Senior parent helpers
Fundraising Shoe Night November 21 from 6 – 8 pm Parents must accompany athletes! Buy new shoes, spikes, and clothing – a percentage goes to the team!
Invitational + Championship Meets These races are for varsity: Liberty District Championship – 1/25 & 2/1 Northern Region Championship – 2/12 & 2/15 VHSL AAA State Championship – 2/23 & 2/24