Employ Florida Marketplace Lesson Four: Accessing Training Sessions Welcome to lesson four in the Employ Florida Marketplace module. It is important to note that you will only get credit for watching this lesson if you complete the entire session and select “Finish” on the last slide.
Geographic Solutions offers training modules in the Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) system Many people do not realize that GEOSOL offers staff, employers and job seekers training materials right in the Employ Florida Marketplace or EFM system. In EFM is a “Training Center.” The “Training Center” has a variety of training modules created by GEOSOL. Objectives
Training Center Courses are broken in to major topics General Courses Content Publisher Staff Courses Individual Courses Employer Courses The Training Center lists the training modules by assigned topic area. There are general courses, courses on publishing content in EFM, courses for staff members, courses for job seekers and courses for employers. Let’s watch as the staff member signs in to the EFM module and accesses the Training Center. Training Center
This concludes lesson four and the EFM module. Conclusion