Office of Supplier Diversity Department of Management Services Linda South , Secretary
Our Mission To promote equity in contracting for Certified Minority/Women Business Enterprises.
Integrity, Respect, Quality Customer Service and Team Work. Our Values Integrity, Respect, Quality Customer Service and Team Work.
Our Vision To become a one-stop resource center for Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) which facilitates equity in contracting while ensuring diverse participation in the procurement process by providing excellent customer service.
Certified Minority Business Spending OSD Will: Monitor overall minority spending. Report agency compliance to the Executive Office of the Governor, Cabinet and other State Leaders. Assist to create overall minority spending.
OSD 2010 Plan Technology Economic Development Accountability Matchmaking
New Program & Initiatives Large State Comparative Studies Optical Imaging Initiative for Certification Process Creation of a Two-Year Certification Process Grant-writing for MBE Activities Other Economic Development Activities
Certified Minority Business Spending Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Governor’s Agencies Non-Governor’s Agencies Statewide Total $950,793,934 $148,285,982 $1,105,245,888 Increase of 45% Total includes Judicial Branches, Legislature, Public Service Commission, and State Board of Administration.
One Florida Initiative Executive Order 99-281 that created One Florida Initiative is recognized by the current Crist administration and remains in full force and effect. Rules currently in place should still be followed; however, price preferences and contract reservations for Minority Business Enterprises are no longer permitted. OSD is working with DMS legislative affairs staff to address statutory issues that came to light as a result of the 2003 lawsuit. OSD is working with DMS legal staff to review the current rules and determine the revisions needed based on the current statutory language. Contract language used by DMS Purchasing has been revised. Each agency should consult with its legal office regarding its contract language and possible need for revision.
Sample of Contract Language Current language being used by DMS Purchasing: Florida is a state rich in its diversity and is dedicated to fostering the continued development and economic growth of small and minority/women owned businesses. Central to this initiative is the participation of a diverse group of vendors doing business with the State. The State maintains data to establish benchmarks from which to measure supplier diversity in State contracting. Vendors who contract with the State are obligated to provide reasonable information from time to time related to the use of minority/women-owned businesses. The Department will inform Vendor of those obligations as they arise and Vendor will have a reasonable time to comply.
IT Solicitation Process Work with DMS Purchasing Department and vendors to identify minority vendors. Review contract language. Provide technical assistance during the bidding process as it relates to minority participation. Provide technical assistance after the selection process as it relates to minority participation.
Web Site References MyFlorida DMS OSD MyFloridaMarketPlace